IRNT Round 2?! 58% jump today

A lot of options expiring Friday went in the money today with 58% spike. If holds or gains tomorrow it could rocket again.

Anyone have any solid data or thoughts?

I wasn’t tracking it so don’t have any positions, but will be buying calls at open

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might wanna check out oi before you blow your load, champ


OI is sporadic except for $12 and under. I don’t remember what it was at last time to compare. Hence why I asked :sweat_drops:


The IV on OTM calls are pretty wild, will likely sit out this one.

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The chart formed a cup a handle. I believe this “should” mean continuation of bullish pattern. I like the stock to run towards $17.80. But I’m no expert, not financial advise of course.

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What you saw today was a reaction to the news with Microsoft.


Good eye on that pattern.

A handle after the cup doesn’t necessarily mean a bullish pattern–until it breaks the Lip of the cup (resistance), which will then confirm a bullish continuation until the next pattern.
It can go either way.


Well said. Pre-market tomorrow should be quite interesting.

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Down 12% pre-marKet today, will keep watching.

This is correct. IRNT popped off news and the movement was exaggerated by retail FOMO.

Like we see in a lot of these movements, most of the volume on the chain didn’t convert to OI.