Lion Electric: LEV - A possible technical + earnings + EV meta play

This is not a crazy high conviction play, so position accordingly (safer) if you want to buy in. I just wanted to bring some attention for you go-getter DD-smiths out there. I’ll update if I look into this much more
If you have some info on why LEV is a shit company and is going to zero, please feel free to share and call me a dumbass in the replies, I won’t be offended (I actually might enjoy it :wink: :flushed: )

Possible bullish factors:

  • LEV recently bounced off the ~10.50 area, and may be forming an inverse head and shoulders on the daily (usually considered bullish)
  • Good earnings and forward guidance are a possible catalyst which can synchronize with a technical bounce
    – There is recent news about orders they’ve received for vehicles (1000 electric buses for Student Transportation of Canada, among others)
  • A general rally across EV stocks (like LCID, GGPI, etc., idk if TSLA counts as EV anymore)
    – Infrastructure bill incentivizes EV stuff
    – The new year is approaching and people get all hyped about how green and environmentally friendly we’re gonna be in (current_year+1)


Misc info:

  • I remember seeing some posts on reddit claiming its a gamma squeeze candidate. Not sure if that’s still the case but worth looking into.
  • There is some OTM short interest on this but also unsure how significant it is. Seems kinda small but if this ramps up for other reasons covering could be a small factor.

As of ~2PM, 11/9/2021

I’m pretty busy with life stuff right now, so here’s some homework for people who want to contribute to this DD:

  • Find out any other catalysts for LEV (rumours, partnerships, connections)
    – I remember reading a reddit comment (maybe post) mentioning a possible connection with Rivian, could be interesting
  • Find more information that can be used to build a timeline for when this might run
  • Formulate some bear cases for:
    – Why it might plummet
    – Why it might do relatively nothing anytime soon, and theta gang wins
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