LMT - General Stock Discussion

This thread is to discuss LMT. This is a key stock for war sentiment, re: Russia vs Ukraine and China vs Taiwan.

I am in LMT 435c for next Friday at a 2.89 cost basis. LMT’s been in a bull flaggy pattern and getting tighter every day. I think it pops up but we’ll see.

Options flows are also pretty bullish, even for short dated calls, snippet of a few minutes ago:

Today summary:

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Although my trend line got broken, ~427.3 seems to be a respected support level for now. I took my calls near this zone today. We can see that the support level was once again respected which is bullish but it faced resistance off the trend line which is bearish. We will see how tomorrow goes.

I have a 4.00 Limit Sell set for my 435c.

I just realized I should’ve continued on the existing LMT thread, not start this new one. mods pls close ? lmao