LUMN - Is it a good option?

I came across this ticker this weekend - At first glance seemed like a decent candidate and was priced in my Experiment range, and has weekly options.

Current - Share Price - $10.15
52 week high - 15.45
52 week low - 10.08

Currently nearing its yearly low if not setting a new one, I couldn’t find any major news or events, for the drop on Friday but I assume was part of the overall market conditions.

As of close Friday, CSP pricing was -
0.49 for 10.50’s Feb 18th Break Even - 10.01
0.20 for 10.00’s Feb 18th Break Even - 9.80

Overall OI doesn’t seem very high - I am curious if there is anything else I am missing or should be considering?

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Tried this one out - overall given the market Friday ended up decently.
Got assigned on the CSP’s will be looking to dump the shares for breakeven, but keeping on my watch list.
The current cost basis is 9.98 per share - so will be looking for a break-even.

Whoops… wrong Lumen. My bad.