Macro & Trading Discussion Night Scheduling Poll

We’ve added a new night to the schedule to supplement “VC Night” which is mainly community/development and fun focused. This new night is kept strictly on the topic of trading. Our first meeting was a big hit, featuring a ton of awesome discussion and I’m looking to make it a permanent fixture. So, this poll is to schedule a permanent slot for the meeting and its frequency.

So with that said, please vote your availability below (everyone).

Day of the Week
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

Time of Day
  • 5 PM EST
  • 6 PM EST
  • 7 PM EST
  • 8 PM EST
  • 9 PM EST
  • 10 PM EST

0 voters

Frequency of Meetings
  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly

0 voters


tuesday would be good for me :heart:


Looking like consensus for this is Wednesday at 9PM EST for “DD Night”.

I’m going to set up the next “Nights” this week. I believe I’m going to try a small format change on the casual night, as well as make it more obvious that it’s meant to be a fun sort of thing and not necessarily an informative get-together. The format change will be that every VC Night will try to have some sort of activity or event but I’ll need to flesh that out further.

For right now the DD night is going to take precedence on the schedule, next one will be next week on Wednesday at 9PM. There will be no VC Night this evening as one wasn’t scheduled properly.

As for DD Night, I ask that those who can from the @Legends & @Champions groups and everyone else be in attendance so we can continue the momentum from the first night.


you know I’ll be there :+1:

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