Meh_Turtles Trading Journal

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24Mar2022 WeBull

I bought these calls right at open:
5 SPY $445 25Mar22 C @ 2.98
1 SPY $445 25Mar22 C @ 2.87

Sold all 6 on the first pop @ 3.06

Later on in the day I bought these:
1 FCX $51 14Apr22 P @ 2.31
2 MOS $72 01Apr22 C @ 1.96

Need to practice some patience and potentially hold longer. I like the profit locked in (of course) but tend to leave some meat on the bone.

Good day overall. I’ll take it.

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I do enjoy working from home some days. Gives me more time to stare at those candles…

Anyway not too bad of a day.


Bought 10 SPY $453 25Mar22 C @ 0.70 and sold immediately for 0.77. Bought 3 SPY $451 25Mar22 C @ 1.71. Added another at $1.48. Sold all 4 for 1.76. Sold both MOS calls from yesterday at 2.00. Bought 10 AMC $25 25Mar22 C at 0.03. Ended up selling that for a loss at 0.01.


I know. I know. Not the best option platform. Contracts cost $1 each. Anyway…

1 GME $195 14Apr2022 C @ 8.11
1 GME $195 14Apr2022 C @ 7.60
1 GME $195 14Apr2022 C @ 6.83
1 GME $195 14Apr2022 C @ 6.70

Sold two of these @ 8.50 and seeing what next week offers up.

Need to keep more up to date on this.

Bought 9 SPY $377 15Jun22 P @ 5.26. Sold for 5.77.

Bought 3 SPY $375 20Jun22 C @ 5.90. Tad high but hoping to unload tomorrow.


Unloaded those 3 SPY $375 20Jun22 C from yesterday at open for 8.00. Not too bad.

Picked up 13 SPY $377 15Jun22 C at 3.99 And sold for 4.10.

It’s not in my journal as I wasn’t keeping up with it at this point but I did have some significant losses last week. For the sake of honesty and transparency I bought 23 SPY $408 13Jun22 P for an average cost of 4.96. I ended up getting stopped out at 3.38. Along with that I bought 40 SPY $413 08Jun22 P for 1.90 and stopped out at 0.92. Tad early to the drop. Thought it was coming but didn’t see it until later that week/this week.

Anyway hoping to make some better trades.

Bought 10 SPY $391 27Jun22 P @ 2.35. Sold for 2.5.

Bought 1 SPY $389 29Jun22 P @ 3.66. Sold for 4.18.

Bought 3 SPY $389 27Jun22 P @ 0.75. Sold for 0.93.

I’ll take it for today. Busy day.

12 Spy 390 29Jun P @ 2.43 sold for 2.54
1 spy 397 29Jun C @ 1.08 sold for 0.39

Good for a solid 2% day

8 Spy $377 30Jun P @ 3.45 sold for 4.10.
2 Spy $374 30Jun P @ 2.24 sold for 2.34
2 Spy $373 30Jun P @ 1.78 sold for 1.87