Melteds Trades: Come color with me

Swinging into next week yaba daba dooooo!

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FB looking kinda week, but I have a support level of 217.71 rn. Would chart it but about to run into a meeting. Im not playing FDs on this so im less worried about moves on the 5min.


FB Lookin strong! X-posting my chart from TF here. Doesnt look like we’re gonna get the CH before close, but I do like this day - quite strong and major levels held!

I’ve got the following going into tomorrow.
1x fb 225 4/1
1x fb 235 3/25
1x GME 200c 3/25
10x TLRAY 10c 3/25

Please note that all together the GME and TLRAY position cost less than $100 dollars. Its just fun gambling.

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IM ALIVE!!! A 220 break on FB would be large! Lets see what happens here going into the last 6 mins of trading.

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yeah no bags u fuck she muted me!

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i feel like a genie trapped in a bottle

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shadowstars posted the congressional propsal LOL

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Good trading day today! Was exciting to see FB bounce off 217 and rush right back up to 219 through end of day. Dont forget how much FB sold off because of the news pertaining to IOS changes. Theres still room to recover from that!

Positions at close are the same as before, just with 10 more TLRAY 10s. So that brings the total to 20 of those. They probably wont move much tomorrow, but an exciting little lotto ticket. Have a great night everyone!

1x fb 225 4/1
1x fb 235 3/25
1x GME 200c 3/25
20x TLRAY 10c 3/25

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This is the time of the day where I wake my gf up to go to the gym. It’s the hardest part of my day. Like a warrior clad in armor, I go to disturb a slumbering dragon with no knowledge of how the battle will go.

With that said! Pre market looking super healthy. Looks like FB might tackle that 220 level AH/PM, let’s see if it holds! Lots of room to gap up, will chart it later.
The 20 TILRAY FDs I bought at close yesteday I’ll probs sell at open given the price movement overnight, but I might keep a few just in case!


Sold 15 of 20 TILRAY contracts for 160% gain! Also, FB positions from yesterday are up 20% today, gonna look to sell ASAP!

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All out of TILRAY

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I forgot my fucking headphones at home. Rip gains.

We can make up with stock gains tho! GME FDs ripping this morning off meme stock energy (luck), while FB 220 thesis is paying dividedens. I’m up 60% on the 4/1 225s. Awesome for anyone who’s in fb with me!

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Out of FB on the spike this morning! What a great day. I might look to re enter but can’t ignore the massive profits this morning.


great FB callouts. couldn’t get entries. how would you colour SNAP?

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I don’t have any meetings today!

Anyways. Trading update! Following the challenge into AMC and GME and that’s gonna be my only move for today. Next week could be an interesting one.


Update on the lack of updates:
been playin memes so and following the challenge sooooo no need to journal.

Will resume when the meme craze has died down! Will go back to focusing on QQQ and tech.

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@macromicrodick - I owe you an apology for being late!

Net/net, Im more bullish on SNAP than I thought I would be after looking into it. So lets take price action away and look at SNAP as a business and where it is.

Snap chat offers 2 things - a fantastic DR product (advertising, its good at identifying users) and a young userbase. Additionally, snapchat has weird staying power amongst youths that are turning to it as a chat alternative and a primary communication method.

SNAP is also carving out a space in AR - a space that looks to have its own niche compared to Facebooks VR play. Recently acquiring wearables company, it appears that they’re still leaning into this space full throttle.

From a business perspective there are two things worth noting. Cutting losses down consistently since 2017 (3 billion down from 3.5 billion in 2017) and are now generating $340 million in cash from operations. Revenue is still growing, and growing from a global perspective as well (important for long term revenue).

Finally, this is an interesting piece I did not notice. Snap is STILL GROWING USERS - something that caused the massive sell off on facebook. FB released that they had a downturn in user growth - snap is continuing to grow and has not yet shown negative numbers.

Snap stock got boomed, rightfully so, down from pandemic inflation. I think where it is currently is a fair value, and it has a strong market position. I might acquire leaps here.


My snap score is 1.4 million and me and all my friends have always used Snapchat for group chats. Friends things, cod 2k madden Minecraft, fantasy football/basketball/baseball group chats etc.

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So would you say that Snap still has strong momentum?


I dunno. I just know that everyone I know uses it and has always used it and will continue to use it cuz it’s built on to us.