Mental Health Discussion

I heard the news that a very close friend of mine passed away a few hours ago.

So I’d just like to say I hope you’re all doing well.
I know that these past few years have been incredibly stressful for many. And that at times, things can honestly just feel insurmountable, that no matter what you do, you’ll be stuck where you’re at in a dark place.
However, I cannot stress this enough: no feeling is final.
Things may be incredibly difficult at the moment, but no matter how bad it gets, how you feel is not conclusive or absolute, and those feelings do not define the rest of your life.

Things may seem hopeless, but I assure you they are not. Good days are ahead, and no matter what, there is a tomorrow, and whatever you’re facing cannot take that away from you.

Just a reminder that there is a tomorrow.
And that you can make it through today.
You’re much stronger than you think you are.

Also, no one in the world is more deserving of your love than you are, so please take some time to love yourself. You have worth and people care about you more than you know.

That goes without saying, but if you desperately need to vent to someone and talk, people will be here to listen, DM me if you need someone.

For those that have the energy to do it, I’d like to request that you spread positivity in your everyday life. It can make a real difference for yourself and others.


:heart: Valhalla is here for you and everyone else if they need someone to talk to. You’re never alone :heart: