MRNA - Oversold in Jan? Vaccine Hype Pharma Play

Starting this thread as I am surprised this hasn’t already warranted a discussion.

MRNA currently trading nearly 66% down from its high from the summer. It took one of the worst beating in Jan down 30%.

With the news that they are beginning human trials for their HIV vaccine as well as signs of a possible market recovery in Feb, this may be a good stock to hold/play.

Also came here to post about MRNA on the HIV vax human trials. The down side is how long it will take, vaccine trials are expected to finish in 2023.

I think it might need some time to find its price after the COVID run-ups


I lost confidence in Moderna after the Q3 earnings miss. They are trying to do it all alone, and it came to bite them. They do still have ~$18B in contracted sales, but a $70B mono-product company just makes me very nervous.

I’ve tended to prefer BNTX over MRNA because of the relative breath of their pipeline, and because they knew their comparative advantage and partnered with PFE. Annoying thing though as algos seem to trade them as a total pair, with prices joined at the hip. (I hold BNTX but not MRNA.)