MULN thread (Reddit's latest p&d)

On a fundamental level… I ain’t interested.

No revenue because they aren’t selling any vehicles. No goods, no parts, etc… The company is currently just burning through cash in its development and research.

Just from operations they have burned through 18.2mil in 3 months. Net loss being 59.4mil in the last 3 months.

Currently sitting on 60.9m of Cash on hand.

Their Mullen FIVE is not expected to launch their first vehicle and deliver it until Q2 2024. Nearly 1.5 years from now and their cargo vans along the same timeframe of 18months or so.

While I am bullish on EVs in the long term, this is a company that has yet to produce a single vehicle.
We all know the tough conditions and problems that arise with newly developed EVs.

So we know that dilution of sorts is probably coming down the pipeline within the next 6 months.

It seems to be running on pure sentiment so perhaps much like PM runners, this is something to just keep apprised on and watch for volume and play SnR? (support and resistances)

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How do you guys read the volume as of today being 86% off exange? I wanted to know if it redeuces the current volume on the price action or if it has nothing to do about it

@Rengoku_Spirit would you happen to have the average volume figures for off exchange VS not?

Here, it’s clear that proportionatelymore transactions happened in the dark pool. However, two things can result in this:

  • An increase in dark pool transactions
  • A decrease in on-exchange transactions

The former could perhaps imply big boys shifting their positions on Muln, though impossible to know if that is with bearish or bullish intent.

The latter would imply lesser interest in dealing with Muln from retail and other institutions which have to trade on-exchange.

Very different implications. Hence, do you have the average volume figures?

In the last 30 days, the average offexchange volume was around 63%

Hmm, this just restates what is in the table above. Sorry if I was not clear on the ask - lemme try again.

Dark pool volume today was 55M. What is the average - 40M? or 70M?

Same with on exchange volume - in millions, what was it today, and what is it on average?

We would need to known this as just percentages are ambiguous.

My bad, got you.

Only have the last 30 days volume on the left

Thank you! Looking at the last few days, we can see that dark pool volume hasn’t really changed much.

But only half as much volume on exchange. I.e. where retail lives.


Having said that, there have been other slow days like this too in the last 30 days.

A reasonable explanation is perhaps that Muln didn’t have much going on today to interest retail etc., and so they didn’t bother transacting much.

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One thing to add here is I can’t count how many times MULN has showed up on pre market scanners and we scalp shares due to it being pumped. I have not really read this thread in a while but it will never be more than that to me.

I know its a small thing but this community is really great. The quick knowledge I got about how to place limit buy on calls made me be over 100% gain on a tiny price fluctuation. If it wasnt for this, I never could have got these 20 contracts at 0.05$


MULN is currently running cause rumor is spreading that a partnership might be announce tomorrow at Apples annual event. The word is buzzing a lot

Fascinating. I don’t see why AAPL would possibly partner with MULN - a company which is nothing real on the ground or remarkable in the pipeline, and they could just fork out the 340M to buy the company.

When is the event tomorrow? Might still be time to get some puts though IV is a bit nuts atm, ofc.


Bollinger B4 Class 4 Commercial EV Truck Bollinger B1 Class 3 Sport Utility EV SUV Bollinger B2 Class 3 Sport Utility EV Truck With Nearly 50,000 Reservations …

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MULN crurently halted

DM wildin why he taggin apple lelelelelelel

BBIG is dead, so now picking on MULN. Please feel free to partake in the party:

The depression in the MULN sub is real today; just trying to bring some organization to that.

I made like $1.50 off a call today.

Not trying to victory lap but uh, you can catch me on my boat.