NetFlix Earnings - 7/19/22


As we were discussing Netflix on TF - decided to open a thread.

Earnings -
Available Jul 19, After Hours

Some general Trade Floor comments “condensed”.

Conq - If inflation keeps rising - people will have to stay home more - Definitely bullish for the streamers.

Few News Articles

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We should have started this discussion a couple days ago… lol

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:melting_face: (minimum character blah blah, dad fix the netflow pls)

What’s the play here?


the hell did I do

thanks sucky

so my plan as of now for Netflix is to ride the calls I have now until close to market close tomorrow to capture IV gain. I have 2 calls so I might sell one and hold the other through, but I feel like the sentiment around Netflix earnings is bearish so I might hedge it with a put, or sell both calls and only hold the put through. Have to see how the markets do the rest of today and tmrw :pepepray:

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if I had listened to myself and closed near close like I SAID I could’ve sold my calls for +100% smfh, I will not make the same mistake w tesla tmrw

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