Nextdoor SPAC - KIND

Ticker: KIND
Description of why you are requesting DD: <SPAC company KVSB is merging with Nextdoor to become KIND. Deal is supposed to close 11/5 and KIND will begin trading on NYSE 11/8. Looking to see if anybody has some sort of sentiment to add. >
Applicable links to news articles or Reddit analysis: < Khosla Ventures II Stockholders Approve Nextdoor Merger | DealFlow's SPAC News >

They did Hold a special meeting to vote about it on November 2nd. Is listing that fast after a vote realistic?

New to this, deleted my initial post on accident

Quick read of SEC filings from 3 November:

8K filed 3 November

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There was discussion in SPY chat last night about OPEN. Might wanna skim through there to see what all was discussed. I have no knowledge of the other company but am familiar with OPEN. And maybe post this link on trading fooor and spy chat just to get more exposure and opinions.