Non dividend value stocks?

Hey everybody, I’m looking to pick up some long term value stocks as the market continues its down trend. Specifically ones that don’t pay a dividend I have many dividend paying stocks I’m adding to but am looking to find some that don’t.

One of the ones I’m adding to is PCG pg&e corporation. I like it because it’s a utility stock, being defensive it will hold up better during a bear market.

It has a lower ev to ebita then 60% of utility stocks making it in the cheaper portion of the utility sector. The reason for the low valuation is they pleaded guilty to starting California wildfires. Wells Fargo had a huge embezzlement scandal but their stock recovered I believe pcg will do the same as Wall Street isn’t one for ethics and money talks.

Financials and earnings one thing that I like is they’ve been beating estimates and growing earnings quarter over quarter nicely.

Please let me know any ones you like personally I’m looking for ideas and would love to dig into some.

Good idea. Have you looked into the allocations of Growth ETFs?
You might find great picks from what hundreds of professional analysts already did.

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