OCGN, Could OCGN be the answer for OMICRON

I’ll just preface this by saying this is PURE speculation, we will need a least a couple WEEKS worth of data minimum before we get answers. But the CEO of moderna essentially said that MRNA vaccines may be less effective vs covid.

OCGN is a traditional vaccine that has already proved it can be effective vs variants such as delta, and preliminary research may exist that it will be effective vs OMICRON.

President biden has already started urging the CDC/FDA to start looking into fast tracking more vaccines.

If moderna and pfizer are found to be less effective, it’s unlikely they will be able to make an omicron booster in time. It’s very possible that covaxin could be mandated if enough data comes in.

Indian media is high on sensationalism so definitely stick to verified sources for any news about their Covaxin and Omicron research in the next few days.