OCGN- FDA clinical trial lift

Wanted to throw this up as I did very well on this leading up to WHO approval. Saw big spike in AH up 28 percent

Looks like the FDA has lifted delay on clinical trial for approval of OCGN covid vax. This has ran several times leading up to pending approvals.

I am certainly skeptical about the amount of revenue this will bring to the company as they only have rights to US and Canada which a majority of the population are vaxed already so a little late to the party. However they have huge cult like following usually leading to a major upswing heading towards suspected approval dates etc

They have been beaten to oblivion since WHO approval in November has a relatively high amount of SI as well currently which gains attention of all the next big short squeeze meme stock crowds.

Gonna keep an eye on this looking at March OTM calls as they are relatively inexpensive and if it gains traction like previous runs up to approvals might be a good move.

However will more than likely treat it as a buy the rumor sell the news scenario as I’m not sure there is much revenue left to be generated long term from the Covid Vax space.

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Here is a link with a timeline of events related to their vaccine.
I started looking into it more when I noticed the April option chain had significantly more OI than any other. It is pretty interesting that the timelines for Canadian approval and FDA approval are lining up for the coming months. Covaxin has approval for children 2-8 in India, (no other vaccine has that that I’m aware of) and now with Pfizer pulling their EUA and FDA clearing Covaxin for phase 3 trials, it seems like there are too many coincidences happening at once for this to not breakout. My research has been purely catalyst based, so if these approvals don’t happen, I don’t know much else about the profitability of a gene editing company without the vaccine side. It’s an interesting company and situation. There are several articles and research suggesting that this will be the universal booster if it gets full FDA approval. Between that and having the only approval for the 2-8 age group, I believe it could be very profitable over the next 6 months. I never really studied any of the other vaccine companies, however, so I would love to hear from some of the guys that have a background there. I’ve been in for $5 call options for April now for a couple weeks, so I do have some bias. And Ocugen does seem to have a cult following, so you have to sift through about 50 articles to find one decent one.

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One thing to note is that the business deal between Bharat Biotech and Ocugen lets Ocugen distribute these vaccines only to the US and Canada. For distribution to other countries , its directly through Bharat Biotech. If it does get FDA approval for the age group of 2-8, that would definitely see them profitable and getting a pop. They also have earnings coming up on 25th February which can be another catalyst. For the age group of 6months -5years, Pfizer is expected to have its 3 dose protection data by April, which could be faster than the approval of Covaxin?


some sort of spike would be nice. holding some inherited shares

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I believe Pfizer pulled their EUA for that age group and Ocugen still has there’s in the approval process. Still up on the air whether or not it goes through


Yup, looks like FDA postponed the pfizer vaccine approval by 2 months.
The stock offering caused a dump in AH today to previous levels.


FDA declines to authorize EUA for covaxin for kids 2-8. IMO, this was the one that could give them the most market share and make the biggest impact.
The wording is interesting, I’m sure there’s more to follow. No real news as to why it’s “declined” at the moment.

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Ocugen has had an interesting week and interesting volume the last 24 hours. I was chalking it up to OPEX and quad witching, but he rumor im heating is that the NACI meeting in Canada on Tuesday is the only real catalyst remaining for Ocugen. If they are granted EUA in Canada, obviously that would bode well as a catalyst. This is 100% pure speculation, I can’t find any fact based reason to think they will get approved on Tuesday other than the unusual increase this week and large volume orders to end the day yesterday and into after hours. Between offerings and the FDA declining their EUA, I thought they were destined for $1-2 per share. Is there anyone else that is watching this ticker or could shed light as to alternate reasons why the unusual volume took place yesterday? If there are, this would be an easy put option next week, as it will likely drop back down to $3. If this is a potential catalyst next week, The options are still relatively cheap on the call side as well. I can’t decide which direction to play.


Ocugen is again climbing today. I started watching this play again about 45 days ago when I noticed the April 14th options chain had significantly more OI than all of the others combined. Then the FDA lifted the clinical hold on phase 2/3 trials and it looked like it was headed in a positive direction. Canada was always on the table and Ocugen now has manufacturing in Spokane and an agreement for a plant in Canada as well. With Ocugen continuing to climb after OPEX, with no news or catalysts currently and with negative PR over the last 30 days, I’m really starting to wonder why it’s climbing unless there’s anticipation of a Canada approval for their Covid vaccine. I racked my brain this weekend and can’t come up with a reasonable explanation