OYST - Earnings & 50M Funding Closure Catalyst (November 4th)

Thank you for the play!

Took off original and a bit of profit. Letting the rest run into earnings.

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For anyone still following this, news was released. This may be a sell the news type of situation.

Risky to hold through earnings, especially if you have options as those will burn IV after earnings if the movement isn’t correct.


I’m still bullish on this mid-term. I found it a little weird that the news coming out did not drive a little volume. I will likely take profit on my ITM november calls before earnings, I’m holding some january calls into earnings at least.

I looked through their job postings on LinkedIn, they are definitely setting themselves up for distribution of the product, but what I was happy to see is a post for Vice President, Investor Relations. Better communications could go a long way in this case. With Q4 potentially generating revenue for the first time, I’m hoping for a steady climb into the end of year.


I exited my small position (10 calls) earlier today for ~100% gain. Not much, but it’s something. I’m trying to learn to take profit (lost too many gains before) and am too scared to hold through earnings! :grimacing: Good luck to anyone that is still in!

I’m holding through earnings :crossed_fingers:t2:


Webcast Link



Was forced to hold this through earnings as nothing met my sell criteria and was busy with work. Dumping this in the AM if volume is terrible which I expect it to be.


Recapping the call last night: “It was good”. I’m still holding the position I held through earnings as this isn’t a momentum play and I’m expecting/hoping the stock continues it’s drift upwards in response to the presentation. There were some larger funds on the call that currently do not have substantial positions in OYST and I’m thinking they may increase their positions in the near future as a result of the developments in the company.

So for now, I’ve got a position in November 19th $12.5 strikes that I’ll probably let go of today or next week depending on price movement. I’ve also got some January calls that I’ll be holding onto throughout November and December.

We shall see. Calls are up 100% from the 29th, they were up 300% from the bottom callout. I’m content with that. Not every play is going to be super exciting. :wink:


Conq, thank you. I took similar positions but exited this morning at a small profit due to lack of volume. Very much appreciate your insight. Didn’t even occur to me to think about who was on the call and what that could mean for the future.

Hope this plays out well for you!


For transparency sake, I’ve added some $17.5 November 19th calls to my position. NOTE: This is only with a small portion of the gains I locked in. It’s risky and definitely not as reliable as this play was before now.


I exited half of 11/19 position and bulked up my 11/19 position in ASTR on the dip. Might add some 17.5 calls like @Conqueror

Happy I held through earnings

I’m still holding my Dec 12.5 calls and may even exercise some. Up about 300%. Feeling fairly confident on this company.


Likewise. I took a long position when it was lower. It’s kinda rare to see a setup like this, where a company that has so many bullish catalysts ahead of it is trading near all-time-lows. Stock will likely only go up from here for the foreseeable future.


Ticker is down quite a bit today after JP Morgan downgraded it to “Neutral” with a PT of $23. This has converted to a “long” play for some time now, so not of major concern, just wanted to update for those wondering.