Poony's challenge account

Wish I would of started this way earlier, hindsight is 20/20 right. Been playing mostly RSX and SPY puts but I’ve been following conq’s calls somewhat closely. Stayed out of ASTR for the most part and went very heavy in RSX on those first drops when contracts were dirt cheap.

Open positions:
10x RSX $12 put 3/11
4x OZON $10 put 3/18

Current account: $7190

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Sold all of my $12 RSX puts at open. Bought more RSX puts shortly after and a 3/4 SPY 425 put right before close. I think the overall market is gonna have some more downward movement due to Russia exponentially increasing attacks and SOTU might not be great. I could be way wrong and get blown out on the SPY put.

Open positions:
20x RSX $9 put 3/18
1x SPY $425 put 3/4

Current account: $8683

Got real busy today so wasnt able to watch as I had hoped. I trimmed all but 4 of my RSX $9 puts and held that SPY put (mistake, woops). Bought more RSX puts after I trimmed during the unknown (huh why) rise, thanks for giving me a better fill I guess. Also followed conq in his WEAT and CORN call outs. Realized i forgot to put the OZON puts still sitting there in my last updated.

Considering I started with 1k on Feb 1 I am extremely pleased with the progress and owe it all to you all! <3

Open positions:
1x SPY $425 put 3/4
1x RSX $5 put 3/11
10x RSX $5 put 3/18
12x RSX $7 put 3/18
4x RSX $9 put 3/18
2x WEAT $9 call 3/18
5x WEAT $10 call 3/18
2x CORN $25 call 3/18
4x OZON $10 put 3/18

Current account: $9698

GREAT day today! Started trimming my RSX 9’s at open and throughout the day. Sold off all the WEAT and the CORN mid morning and sold the SPY put during that morning drop for an overall loss on that trade. Followed conq’s challenge trade with BOIL, USO, and IPI, I liked the idea. Also bought some more RSX puts throughout the day and the 4p’s after machete dropped his bomb.

You all are the greatest community!!

Open positions:
5x RSX $4 put 3/11
10x RSX $5 put 3/18
12x RSX $5.5 put 3/18
12 RSX $7 put 3/18
4x OZON $10 put 3/18
2x BOIL $40 call 3/18
2x IPI $65 call 3/18
3x USO $75 call 3/18

Current account: $12,568

All in all not a bad day actually. Trimmed BOIL, IPI, and USO during the morning for nice profits! Sold 1 $7 RSX put during the craziness to see if the order would go through, it did, and bought some 5.5’s for the same reason, it did. Bought WEAT shortly after conq callout for a bad entry and averaged down to a good price, thank you for teaching me that! Bought some more RSX $4 puts at the end of the day for a good price bringing my average down a bit.

Open positions:
10x RSX $4 put 3/11
10x RSX $5 put 3/18
15x RSX $5.5 put 3/18
11x RSX $7 put 3/18
4x OZON $10 put 3/18
8x WEAT $11 call 3/18

Current account: $13,057
Weekly: +%85.6
Monthly: +%1,335

Sold 1 WEAT after unhalt during the spike, held on to the rest. Bought some CORN and played BBBY with everyone, and bought 1 IPI call. Got 2 WEAT at 12 strike at the end of the day also. All pretty good fills today as well.

Open positions:
10x RSX $4 put 3/11
10x RSX $5 put 3/18
15x RSX $5.5 put 3/18
11x RSX $7 put 3/18
4x OZON $10 put 3/18
2x WEAT $12 call 3/18
7x WEAT $11 call 3/18
4x BBBY $26 call 3/11
3x CORN $26 call 3/18
1x IPI $70 call 3/18

Current account: $13,611
Daily profit: $563 (+4%)

Didn’t really do anything today. On vacation now and was on the plane with no wifi. Overall extremely happy with returns since we started.

Account balance: 12319

Back from vacation, protip don’t go to work the next day. Feels good to be able to finally update the journal. Didn’t really do much while on vacation other than closing positons and bought 1 GGPI thanks to refridgerate’s call out. Bought a 432 SPY put this morning at the peak and sold at the almost bottom, pretty stoked about that trade. Starting to get worried about RSX, preparing for the complete loss. If that happens my account will still be 2x after starting so I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.

Open positions:

10x RSX 5p 3/18
15x RSX 5.5p 3/18
11x RSX 7p 3/18
4x OZON 10p 3/18
4x AMC 13p 3/25
2x BNO 29c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14
2x HYMC 1p 4/14

Current account: $10,649 ($2497 minus RSX put equity)

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Don’t have much time to update today. Sold BNO at open and rolled into 32s, also bought 2 more AMC puts.

Open positions:

10x RSX 5p 3/18
15x RSX 5.5p 3/18
11x RSX 7p 3/18
4x OZON 10p 3/18
6x AMC 13p 3/25
4x BNO 32c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14
2x HYMC 1p 4/14

Current account: $10,844 ($2692 minus RSX put equity)

Spent most of the day arguing with Robinhood in regards to the RSX puts with special attention on the 7p. Like most of us I was essentially told GFY.

Bought a SPY 442p right before close, mostly because I felt like we will hear bad news out of Ukraine soon and also because seems like time for a little pullback.

Open positions:

6x AMC 13p 3/25
1x SPY 442p 3/25
4x BNO 32c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14
2x HYMC 1p 4/14

Current account: $2,627

Sold the SPY put on the morning dip for about break even, sold BNO shortly before hand also. Sold AMC in the afternoon dip as well as HYMC. Bought 2 BNO at 3:59 when conq said he was gonna play oil, glad it was the correct ticker lol.

Open positions:

2x BNO 33c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14

Current account: $2,891

Sold BNO on accident instead of buying this morning. Got back in later when it dipped hard, bought SPY and UVXY around same time as conq, still holding GGPI since it was such a great entry.

Open Positions:

1x SPY 449p 3/31
5x UVXY 14.5c 4/1
4x BNO 33c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14

Current account: $2,829


Sold basically everything in the early morning (not right at open), except for GGPI. Entered AMC but couldn’t sell cause I dont have any day trades left in a margin account (yes, I know, I know). Bought more AMC towards the end and UVXY right before close. Kinda followed conq today but waited a bit on my entries for good or bad. Extremely happy with the day and the account overall.

Open positions:

4x AMC 20c 4/1
2x AMC 22c 4/1
4x UVXY 15c 4/1
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14

Current account: $3,693

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Not a great day, sold AMC too early and tried to average down a bit on UVXY. Bought an AAPL call right after the news hit and a SPY put seconds before market close.

Open positions:

5x UVXY 15c 4/1
1x AAPL 172.5c 4/1
1x SPY 450p 4/1
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14

Current account: $3,161

I fucked up. I went to unload my UVXY this morning and accidently bought 5 more instead. I essentially averaged down my position greatly cause it was at one of the lows of the day. Gonna try to unload next week sometime hopefully Monday or Tuesday for possibly break even. Sold AAPL for profit shortly after open and unloaded the SPY put for about break even during the first low of the day. Bought SNDL, AMC, GME, and BNO at somewhat different times than conq did. Still holding BNO, i got a pretty good fill and I hope it’s gonna be fine on monday.

Open positions:

10x UVXY 15c 4/1
3x AMC 25c 4/8
1x GME 200c 4/8
1x BNO 32c 4/14
1x GGPI 7.5c 4/14
10x SNDL .5c 1/20/2023

Current account: $2,821

HUGE success today! Got out of UVXY for a little bit of a loss, could of been green on it if I held but I wasn’t willing to take that chance in the early morning. Sold BNO for almost break even and unloaded GGPI finally for a nice little gain. Sold those GME 200c for major profit and the AMC 25c for also major profit! Bought AMC 40c throghout the day and same with GME 510c. Holding SNDL. Very good day! Slowly crawling my way back from RSX losses.

Open positions:

2x AMC 40c 4/1
7x AMC 40c 4/8
5x GME 510c 4/14
10x SNDL .5c 1/20/2023

Current account: $5,225

Great success today! Sold the 4/8 AMC at the peak of this mornings spike, great sells there. Bought some more FD’s throughout the day and sold at the big candle @ 2:35, both were perfect sells and wish i could replicate that everyday, total pipedream. Bought some more AMC 4/8 in the afternoon. Bought some more GME 510 through the day bringing my cost basis down a bit and loading up on the calls. Also bought 2x BGFV with conq thanks to the great Ni callout and 2x BRKB thanks to Beaker!

Open positions:

4x AMC 40c 4/8
10x GME 510c 4/14
2x BRKB 260c 4/14
2x BGFV 20c 7/15
10x SNDL .5c 1/20/2023

Not every day can be green and that’s ok, still up big on the challenge account! Sold the AMC for a loss and luckily I did cause it kept falling, can always get back in. Sold SNDL for a tiny loss, I have bad memories of that ticker and it’s gonna be a miracle for this bill to actually pass I think. Picked up some HOOD puts at a good entry and a SPY 460 call towards the end of the day. BRKB was the winner in a sea of red, thanks again Beaker!

Open positions:

4x HOOD 14p 4/8
2x BRKB 260c 4/14
10x GME 510c 4/14
1x SPY 460c 4/14
2x BGFV 20c 7/15

Current balance: $4,394

Got busy and couldn’t update yesterday. Cut all of my positions yesterday morning and made very good profit on BRKB and HOOD offsetting a bunch of loss. Bought 2x THCA calls in the morning as a gamble, bought another SPY 460c to average down and opened 4x SPY 450p when i felt the market was taking a turn downwards. Alos followed the challenge with HMHC. Then sat around the rest of the day, was busy for me.

Today was a giant L for me, almost 1k loss. Sold the SPY 460c right at open for a bit of a loss, sold the THCA calls for good profit and kept all of the SPY 450p. Opened BEEM calls, MOS calls, THCA calls, CYGG calls, and TKAT calls. I slept for almost the entire afternoon and missed half the day and am also overleveraged and into too many plays right now.

Open positions:

4x SPY 450p 4/8
2x BEEM 22.5c 4/14
2x MOS 68c 4/14
2x THCA 12.5c 4/14
5x TKAT 5c 4/14
5x HMHC 25c 5/20
5x HMHC 22.5c 5/20
10x VYGG 10c 6/17

Current balance: $3,251

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Got out of those SPY puts for a huge loss, that was a $700 nap. Sold TKAT for a nice profit. Took 2x SPY 460c on yong’s callout and an AAPL 172.5p on someone’s callout (sorry i forgot who), both plays I agreed with. Also bought more THCA during the day. Took 1 more AAPL put right before close also, not willing to get in any further on that. Need to get the groove back…

Open positions:

2x AAPL 172.5p 4/8
2x SPY 460c 4/11
3x MOS 68c 4/14
12x THCA 12.5c 4/14
5x HMHC 25c 5/20
5x HMHC 22.5c 5/20
10x VYGG 10c 6/17

Current balance: $2,901