PPSI - Putting this on the forums since its being talked about in VC

Im taking this from Reddit, since its clearly where some of the people on the trading floor got it. Its a low float squeeze opportunity. Given the float is so low, that does make it a candidate if there is a news catalyst.

Pioneer Power (NASDAQ: PPSI): The EV charging play scored 99.31 on Fintel as the #1 short squeeze candidate as short interest leaped from just 32K shares at the end of October to 1.6M shares mid-November, totaling 40.9% of the float. Unshorted float is just 2.37M shares at this time, Fintel noted. Additionally, the cost to borrow is an elevated 80.2%.

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Given the current price action its debatable that this play is over. Opening it up for discussion.

It was called out at 6 bucks yesterday

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It was not put on the forums yesterday, which is what Im doing now.

Dropped 11% AH right now, will see again from about 8am tomorrow but isn’t looking great.

The usual places I’d find these seem to have moved on to other tickers now. This might have a last hurrah from FOMO but I don’t think we’ll see another big double digit day. Seems to be the same few furus with early calls for things like ISPC, PPSI and now NUZE today. Might be worth us keeping an eye on them.

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Thanks for posting it though it looks like the play is over already. I really wish all the stuff from VC that I found out about after the fact made it’s way into the forum or the trading floor. Seems like so many missed opportunities.


I feel this often as well, I’m in a place where I can’t have sound on all day and I believe a lot of the best plays are only talked about in the VS.

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I’m hardly ever able to be in VC, but I don’t think that this is true. Most times, something might be shouted out as going up or down, but that’s it. I don’t hear people discussing a play in depth on VC, and for every PPSI that’s called out, there are lots of others that are scalpable for a couple of minutes and the play is then dead. Anything that’s mid to long term playable is on here IMO


You for sure can get a better “layman’s term” convo in VC but they often repost to the trading floor, so don’t feel like too much is left on the VC table, all good.