Puka's challenge journal

So I guess since everyone else is doing these trading journals I might as well too.

Friday’s starting balance: $1,984.73

So Friday about an hour before close I picked up SPY March 23 442p I started with 2 then added 3 more right before close. I averaged down one more time at the peak this morning and sold on the dip. Later in the day when it went back up to the high 445s I picked up March 25 444p. I closed those after Jpow brought the hammer of Thor down. Immediately following that I picked up AMC March 15p and sold them about 15 minutes later. All in all pretty solid day.

Monday’s ending balance: $2,464.18

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I’m done trading for the day thought I’d update this. Most of these were Conqs call outs minus spy. The account total % is inaccurate as I forgot to post yesterday. I was down 14% yesterday. So instead of being up 28% on these trades I’m actually only up 14%. Up 38% on the week.

Bought 2 April 1 UVXY 15c on that red candle before close because Conq is a fucking lunatic and I love it.

Didn’t trade much today I was busy losing 5k in crypto to a fucking hacker. Still up 35.5% on the week.

I picked up 1 APRIL 1 451c when SPY broke back above 450 at noon thinking it would go back up to test vwap. I woke up too late to trade this morning and missed the plummet from 452. Today was just a day where I wanted to trade and made an error on judgement. I should’ve just let the day go. I got stopped out for a minimal loss but I shouldn’t have traded just because I wanted to there was no real opportunity there. More than likely done for the day. Down 1% on the day up 34.5% on the week not a bad week.

Picked up +2 April 4 454p at 10am.l just closed it. Up 3.76% on the week but still down $3 from my high last week.

Probably done for the day unless I play one of Conqs call outs.

Took +1 AMC April 8 25c at 1:15. Had to cut too much profit to let ride overnight up 15.58% on the day.

Took +1 April 4 456p on SPY here

Cut my SPY 456p too early. After we broke 460 I had no clue where it was going. Down 6.03% on the day still up 9.55% on the week. I don’t really like any entries on SPY or memes at this point may trade later today.

Well picked up AMC calls. Ended the day a little less red than this morning. Time to ride this bitch into the sunset or bend over and spread my cheeks either way let’s party

Well today was fun managed to erase all of last weeks gains and then some in 1 foul swoop. Sucks but it is what it is sometimes you have to get your ass paddled all part of the fun. Join me later in the bud light next discussion I’ll be there sloppy as a joe.