RBLX-Investor Day Run?

RBLX, of the great metaverse is back in the news lately. A week or so ago, they announced an investor day coming up on September 15th. Since then, the stock has had a decent run…

Of course during this time they also announced they were looking to add ads to their virtual platform. How will that work you ask? Great question, perhaps they will answer on investor day… Last year (their first investor day) they really pumped up their tech and the future, leading to the stock doing this…

Investor day (coupled with a great earnings report earlier in November) led to the run to $130+. While I don’t expect such a run this year, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a solid spike during their presentations. The IV on options went up significantly after they announced investor day, so the best way to play may be with share trading during the event…


Picked up a couple of 45c yesterday with an expiry for next week. Sold 1 after it broke Nasdaq correlation here for around 10%. Had a better entry on the other, currently at around 40% on it, may hold a bit longer during the presentation as it’s starting to ramp.

Probably continue to go down from this point. It re-affrims that they have problem retaining users.


Yeah I exited my position during the call, and was able to do ok… Afterwards they provided the user metrics…oof. The growth of users has definitely slowed, but the big issue was the drop in bookings per active user of 15%. The market will not be kind to that…


I think there won’t be any upward momentum for this at least until their earnings in early November. I am short calls as of today.

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I agree, growth has slowed significantly. Their active users are spending less money… And you know school… In fact, I’ve read things suggesting earnings in November may not be the best either. The wildcard here is of course the ads, and well Cathy…

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