Ricktorl2 trading journal

edit: Moving my thoughts to this blog: https://torl2.blogspot.com/ Will update this forum post less often.
edit: nevermind

So… I’m really bad. Like really, really bad. If you want, you can enjoy my suffering.

I’ve decided to stop contributing to Valhalla for the time being. Instead I’ll be writing this thing. Hopefully I will learn a lot… or at least entertain…

I’m heavily into ESSC 10 and 12.5 calls, the main Valhalla play at this time.

I have <$100 positions in various options plays from around this forum:

I also have one AFIB call <$100. The chart has been forming higher lows and the downward gap happened at the Q3 earnings. It seems like the downward gap was an overreaction. However, the options don’t have much liquidity. For now, this is “my” play.

I just bought CPOP and added to ASTR puts. edit: cpop was from rexxar

[center]Dear Diary…[/center]
Though I’ve been watching crypto plays, now doesn’t seem like a good time to touch them. I’m also afraid of touching SPY right now. I’ve been really interested in RIOT, but for some reason decided not to buy any bullish positions at the $21 level. I also missed out on the BTC rally (and thus RIOT rally), while playing mini golf with my family the week of Christmas.
(There is also a pretty clean double bottom toward the end of this image.)

shortsqueeze, squeezeplays, and squeezetalk may be useful subreddits. I did some research on PTPI, BFRI, RELI, and others before they ran, but missed out on all of them. I thought the liquidity was too high on them and idk. Some of them were also “high” at the time I think. So I scooted away from these stocks.

If you want you can search the discord for messages from me and see for yourself how bad I am.

Instead of making money on any other plays, I got burned on AQST. You can see my thread on here if you would like. On Monday the 21st sometime after 8pm, the FDA decided to delay the decision for Libervant indefinitely. The approval date was scheduled for the 23rd.

Also, today AVCT went from +8% premarket to breaking downward at 11am. I gave up on AVCT for a minor loss. I miss out on a billion squeeze plays and end up with a minor loss on AVCT.

I think I’ll mostly be following along rather than trying to do much on my own, for now…


Today I’m a little green.
I sold CPOP +$20, held a bit too long
I sold ASTR puts $70, held a bit too long too
I sold my TASK put -$20, sold maybe a bit early

I’m holding one CRTX call and it is green. The ESSC calls and one AFIB call are sitting tight.

edit: I want CRTX to break out but no clue what will happen.


I started watching AMC (from trading floor) and bookmarked the thread. Maybe I’m a bit late.

Descending broadening wedge? (15 min chart)

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I’m late to the AMC party but I wanna buy a call or two.

can’t seem to get an entry

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Was too scared to get in at the 28.80 level for AMC.

The call that I was eyeing went from like 2.70 to 3.30…

Missed out… there may be something basic that I’m failing to understand…

Regardless, AMC may not be done going up, but I don’t want to fomo. If it breaks above that resistance in the chart then I’ll be looking for an entry on it I guess. :man_shrugging:


(2h chart AMC)


I guess i’ll go for a call of amc when it touches that support?
Nah, I probably won’t enter yet, if at all.

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Yes ESSC!!
Thank you Lord!

fk amc

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I’m glad I didn’t FOMO into AMC, though unhappy I missed out.
I at least noticed that the uptrend was weakening and there were bearish signals.

I still struggle a bit with the RSI and interpreting the RSI on different time frames.
I found this: https://therobusttrader.com/rsi/
It seems to be quite useful. I struggle a bit with when to use RSI as an overbought/oversold indicator and when to use RSI as a trend/momentum indicator.


double bottom on daily rsi amc?

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Oh well, I won’t be entering AMC today. Was focused on AMC like all day.
Thankfully ESSC is up and I have small positions in other things.

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PFE: (30 min chart) breakout? I’m not reliable on breakouts. AVCT proved this.
Not entirely sure what this is, but Will Meade brought attention to PFE:
And he was right about SEAC.

It also doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect a continuation for PFE.
Volume decreased significantly toward the end of whatever this is:

(daily chart)
The net volume on that big red volume rectangle was 0. edit: (actually i dont know how useful this detail is)

I might try to aim for PFE calls tomorrow, sucks that I missed them today.

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It is well before January 21st… I’m a bit scared. Even though ESSC is seeming like the most solid play I have, I need to be prepared, or else…

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Is it too late to join the ORCL bear party?

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BTC bearish support to resistance?

I want a good entry on RIOT calls, but I don’t dare to get puts.

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Well… bought PFE shares with avg 58.50… wish me luck

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maybe i gave up on aqst too early… wouldn’t wanna do that
also ipof and that chamath guy or whatever, the king of spacs?

i saw strn from zack morris or whatever, but he has been in since at least nov 15th and the short interest was like 11% of float and stuff idk… the other squeeze plays had bullish chart setups and better short stats, the increased volume could be seen in a bullish light even though it may hamper the short squeeze potential… especially if the volume started picking up recently…

i think ill just jot down notes and my thoughts, with the occasional diary entry
once again, for those of you who might be reading, take this all with a grain of salt

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i guess ill sell my cost basis for essc stuff preferrably around essc price of 15 dollars, maybe sooner

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today i think ill focus on pfe, amc, and essc

limelight networks looks good tho, not sure about entry

oh yeah, i don’t wanna forget about mmat and mmtlp, rumor has it something will happen late february/early march bc trch, and dividend has been pushed to january? might do more research later

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george sharp said various things about bbig and bought puts, and it seems that he was pretty darn right

like management was bad and there was incoming dilution from warrants? i remember for some reason will meade posted a screenshot but left out the warrants for some reason
this was a while ago on twitter

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