RyanTRule Trading Journal

Tuesday 3/9/22
Starting a journal here for transparency and to better hold myself accountable on some of the less ideal trades I make. I’ll begin with current positions.

1 - RSX $6p 3/11
10 - VALE $21c 3/11
2 - CEI $2c 3/18
3 - GOLD $26c 3/18
1 - RSX $5p 3/18
1 - RSX $4p 3/18
1 - SLB $44c 3/18
2 - WFC $50c 3/25
3 - WEAT $11c 3/18
4 - WEAT $12c 3/18
1 - HGEN $2.50c 3/18
2 - BBBY $27c 3/18
1 - BBBY $30c 3/11
1 - BBBY $26c 3/11
A couple noticeable mistakes that are completely obvious are 1) I’ve structured my plays way too heavily around what’s going on in Ukraine and Russia. 2) BBBY. Enough said there.


Forgot to add: Starting balance (2/28/2022) - $1400
Current Balance: $2702.15

Bought a $169c 3/18 for XLY at open to play off of AMZN split.

Followed ur lead and already up a little thanks!

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Ended up keeping my XLY call. Will look to sell tomorrow if it breaks over the 172/173 mark. I did scalp ZIM for about 7% today. Not a good day.
Current balance: $2203.53
Difference of -$498.62

Lost a lot of money today due to RSX and BBBY calls expiring worthless essentially. I did buy 2 425p on SPY when it was around 426.50, and sold them around 423.50 for 109% gain. Done for the day.

Current balance: $2,051.73
Difference of -$151.80
Total difference for the week: -$370.40

Bought 2 SPY 420p 0de

Sold 2 SPY 420p for 55% gain

Bought a SPY 422c 3/16

Sold my POS XLY call. Loss of 72%.

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Today’s ending balance (rsx put expired worthless on friday): $1804.44
Difference of -$247.29

Sold my SPY 422c for about 30% profit. Learning to be ok with smaller gains and not always looking for the 100%+

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Sold as much as I could of my port. I’m now back to my starting balance from 2 weeks ago. If I go much further down I will probably reconsider trading :sweat_smile:

Farewell all. Failed miserably at trading, not sure if/when I will return. Good luck to everyone on their future trades!

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@ryantrule take a break - but please do come back


At the end of 2021 I took a 6 week break from trading - it allowed me to refresh my brain, stop staring at charts, and come back much stronger with a healthy attitude. Maybe that’s what you need.


Come back stronger and calmer, bud. This next 2 years might just be a great loading zone for long term investments and training area for new traders.
We’ve all been there. At the beginning of this year, I sold my Ford leaps for such a big win. I had to step back too.


I appreciate it guys. I started trading options right as RSX puts became the play. Got an unreal expectation of how to trade. Need to reset my brain a little.


I’m back and poorer than ever. Picked up a couple WFC puts thanks to momstocks yesterday and pulled out today with 70% gain. I now picked up a few $31c for CWH, 4/8. Looking at the 3 month chart it appears to be hitting a bottom, it’s heavily shorted and pretty low number of shares outstanding. Camping season is about to come into full swing so I am feeling confident this will go up, not sure how far though. Volume also appears to be above average.