Salty's Journal

Shout out to Thots call on the bottom yesterday.
Out of spy 385c on the first 1 min candle at the near peak. Not trying to time peaks and valleys. Profit is profit. Thank you Thots.
Avg 1.73
Sold 3.29

Was able to get in finally on some put scalps. CRAZY fun time today.
375p x5 avg 2.69 in ToS
Sold x5 3.05
360p 6-24 avg 3.00 holding through today.

Avg’d down on the 360p for 6-24 at 3:35pm.
cost avg 2.15 x2

Out of spy puts just here.
avg 2.15 x2
sold 3.60 x2

$1,988.38 total
+$1,547.49 (+350.99%)Past Month

$1,988.38 total
-$2,513.62 (-55.83%)Past Year

This has been rather difficult to trade this account given that I can no longer Day Trade within RH.
I have blown this account out down to $300 roughly and trying to grind my way back to even. Luckily, this past few months have been rather kind to the RH account. But, that’s not without saying it is due to the relentless work and dedication some of the people on this server have. Staying up all night researching and constructing well thought out DD so people like me, who are new to this, can learn and make money at the same time. I want to say thank you for your patience and understanding, compassion and apathy for new comers like myself.


I have added to the RH spy position for tomorrow.
375c avg .54 / currently .50
350p avg .30 / currently .33
Todays total +20.13%

Picked up 5x spy 368c
avg 2.00
sold 2.69

I also let go of my spy 350p from yesterday at a -83%. 25$ loss. Keeping the 375c from yesterday to let ride until I see a good exit for it.

Feels bad day. Got 371p x5 avg 1.50 at 372 when spy was touching reversal zone. Volume was low and LA had printed an exit for calls already. Thought process was we will see somewhat of a drop to continue the PM trend. Oh boy was I wrong and the ToS account got hit. I will be holding these until close today as I did not get out before they went really red. Important lesson of the day, while it was an expensive lesson, it was a lesson none the less.
DONT FIGHT THE TREND AND DONT TRY TO TIME REVERSALS FOR BEST ENTRIES. You aren’t clairvoyant, your parents hate you, and we will make this back on the next play. :pepepray:

Picked up a 375p for friday when Biden started speaking and spy spiked.
Avg 2.19
Currently 3.76
This is in the RH account so was once, we are holding over night.

Took 2 spy calls 382 avg 1.75
sold on second candle top at 2.15

Took x5 spy 388p avg 1.70
sold at 2.00
Never got my fill at open so I had to chase this movement. I recommend never doing that unless you have tight stop losses. Cut at 388 on the dot.

Treading carefully here due to JBs callout of waiting to see a trend.
Grabbed 1 380p avg 1.69
sold for 2.45

Entered 10 spy 376 puts at yellow circle avg 2.35
Sold on red circle at 2.85 when spy hit the orange line. This is channel predictive trading from lux algo. Still testing and working out some things.