Shameless Plug - Autism Speaks

Hey guys,

Bit of a doxx alert but this is a thing I do every year so I’m okay absorbing some of that. This is certainly not a begging situation and no judgement whatsoever, but every dollar counts for an organization with whom my wife and I are very involved.

As many of you know, not only am I a father of three, but two of them have autism. When we first received my eldest’s diagnosis we were awash with questions, concerns, and a general feeling of being lost. Organizations like Autism Speaks help demystify the steps that we as parents of newly diagnosed children should take, connect us with a wide network of people in similar situations, and for those who are in need will help provide services and assistive equipment.

Each year since 2013 I walk for Autism Speaks and will be doing it again this year. All proceeds are tax deductible and go to this organization that has provided so much help at a families darkest time. If you’re interested in donating the link to my page is below.