SQSHY ETF Trading Journal :)

Whattupp guys and gals :slight_smile: even though I was peer pressured into this I’m actually happy to start doing this. Honestly surprised that so many people would actually be interested in it too. I still have to figure out how I’m going to format it so that’s what I’ll be focusing on first. I’m a little busy with work this week but my next day off is Monday so hopefully I’ll have something up and running by then.

Hope you guys find my journal helpful and also can’t wait to get some feedback on my trades !


Update #1

Going into tomorrow I have 11 150c for DIS. At the time of close they were up 20% and I’m planning to hold until before their earnings which is AH this upcoming Wednesday. Will most likely trim a few calls along the way but the position will be closed by Wednesday

My next move is most likely going to be AFRM calls for their earnings as well but I’m going to have to wait and see which calls since they had a pretty big run on Friday

I got a PTON put on Friday which will probably be worthless tomorrow (or close to it) with the pump it’s had after hours. I might try to average down and pray for enough IV pump to help me break even, but at this point not sure how it’ll go

That’s all I have so far for this week, I’ll post another update after I do some more digging on what’s going on this week

Happy trading !


Positions closed today :

DIS: closed my calls for 65% gain this morning

SPY: Tried and failed to play SPY today, probably won’t touch it until next week or until it shows some strength

Positions Opened:

CVS : grabbed 115c that are up 20% at the time of writing this. Will sell at EOD or tmrw before earnings.

PFE: opened some 62.5c that expire 3/18. They have earnings tomorrow so I’m hoping those go well but chose longer dated calls for safety

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I forgot to update yesterday I’ll try to get better at that :sob:

Positions closed today:

UBER: Tried to get an Uber IV play started yesterday but Lyft fucked me, thankfully sold for only a 3% loss this morning

AMD: opened a 130c yesterday and sold this morning for 120% gain

Positions opened

AMD: opened another position 140c 2/18. AMD has been getting a lot of bullish flow and with NVDA earnings next week I feel like it still has a little to run. Position is currently up 20%

DASH: earnings are next week so I opened an extremely small position today. It looks like they usually do well on earnings but before I buy anymore I have to do some more digging



I know I haven’t posted in the past week. I sold all my positions Monday and took this week off of trading. With next week being a four day trading week I might take that week off as well but I’ll keep you guys posted. Hope everyone had a great week !


Squishy :slight_smile:

Positions opened:

USO: took one Mar 4 67c at that double bottom a little bit ago

OXY: 2 2/25 40c, earnings are tomorrow and it somewhat follows XOM which I haven’t gotten in to, I thought it might be more profitable with IV from earnings so I’m playin this instead

BYND: Mar 4 34c, their earnings are tomorrow as well and they always seem to miss. I also expect them to be hit by labor and product shortages. Will sell before earnings if I see profit, might hold one to ride but haven’t decided yet



Positions closed today:

BYND: closed my 1 BYND put for a loss this morning, they missed earnings as I expected but not enough for me to profit

SOFI: closed my SOFI call position for about a ~17% gain. Will look to reenter on Monday to possibly ride earnings IV (they report 3/1) but will assess after the weekend

SPY: scalped SPY today for about 20% gain


Currently have no open positions, but interested in picking up an AMD 110p 3/4 if the opportunity presents itself

Overall not a bad day


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Safe to say this last week was one of the best I’ve had in a while. I know it’s not up to 15k like conq yet but I’ll get there :sob:. I’ve mostly just doing conqs plays the last week which is why I haven’t updated much but I’ll try to be more consistent next week if I do make any of my own trades. I also posted an image of my current open positions that I decided to hold into the weekend

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Picked up one DOCU 3/11 130c @ 1.37

Picked up one CRWD 3/11 205c @ 1.47

positions are currently up 5% and 10% respectively



Put in a limit order for one more DOCU and one more CRWD call


Put in a limit order for 1 ZIM 3/11 75c @ 1.65

ZIM call filled, currently up 10%

Took a last minute retard gamble on RIVN. Got 4 3/18 60c and no one is more disappointed in my than myself :sob:

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Not a bad day today, in hindsight I should have sold everything at that opening spike and took the rest of the day off but I’m retarded. Im going to start using the Community callouts thread to post my trades more actively throughout the day and then post a pic of my account and positions I’m holding overnight at the end of the day. Hope everyone did good today!


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Sold my TSLA position today for 340% today

Think I’m done for the week !



Fucking hell what the hell is that gain lmfao


First gain of the week, off to a great start


Positions I’m holding overnight. These were all called out by myself and various people in the community callouts. Great start to the week everyone !

Cheers :clinking_glasses:

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Figured I would post this here but I’m taking a mini break to get my life sorted out. Starting my second job Monday so I won’t be able to trade as much which is probably for the better. Last Friday was rough, did not expect the market to have that retard rally at the end of the week and that gapped me hard (and not in the good way). My account is currently at 69.77 (:crazy_face:) and I’m not sure if I plan on putting in some money or building it up from here but that’s a question for future me. Looking through my past few posts I see that I can be profitable but I need to learn to not let that get to my head. My biggest problem that I need to work on is cutting my losses. Essentially watching my profit disappear in the hope of getting back to what it was 10 minutes ago or 20 minutes ago, and so on. So that is what I will be focusing on when I come back. I really do love trading (even if I’m not the best at it) and I’m still young so I hope I can continue to learn and grow and set myself up for a better future. Love you all and see you at Wendy’s!

Come get that 4 fo 4 deal :smirk:




Hello, hello

I have not been here in a while but I’m going to try to be better at it :sob: working two jobs is no joke

I’ll continue to post my callouts in the community call and I’ll post my gains and my losses in here (pls bear w me if I’m not consistent)

This is from this morning, sold right at open

I was also holding these from yesterday, will probably expire worthless but no point in selling them now

Going to try to stay out the rest of the day but that’s still something I’m working on too :sob:

love u guys :love_letter: