Stock delisted cuz of russian economy die

starting this for a general thread to discuss this stuff as a cumminity to see what we can all pool together to figure out the correct answer

Although infrequent, ETFs (like regular mutual funds) can be closed, usually as a result of extremely low investor interest. Horizons ETFs is required by law to make a public disclosure of its intent to de-list and close an ETF.
After the public disclosure of an ETF closure is made, subscription activity is immediately halted. Investors can sell their ETF units at any point up until the end of the de-listing day.
Similar to all ETFs, there are designated brokers ensuring the ETF price remains close to NAV (minus a small spread), however where an ETF is being terminated, the bid will remain tightly correlated to the NAV per unit of the ETF while the offer will widen since no new units can be subscribed for. Market Makers will typically only buy units in the market, which means investors will typically only be able to sell their units in the market.
If a unitholder sells their units of the ETF on the exchange before the de-listing date, they will get the cash proceeds from the sale after the regular 3 day settlement period. If they did not sell prior to the delisting of the ETF, they will typically receive the cash proceeds approximately 7 days after the de-listed date.
Horizons etfs - what happens if an ETF closes? (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

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DATE: MAY 29, 2020
OCC is publishing this Information Memo in response to questions OCC has received regarding the recent passage of Senate bill S. 945 by the U.S. Senate. If ultimately enacted in its current form, the proposed
legislation could lead to trading limitations on securities of certain non-U.S. issuers at a future date.
Independent of the legislation, it remains possible that companies and other securities issuers may elect
to remove their securities from U.S. markets at any time. Any of these events could affect the availability
of securities underlying listed options cleared by OCC.
OCC routinely monitors for the delisting of underlying securities from U.S. stock markets. In the event that
the security underlying an option is delisted, option exchanges may limit trading in that option to allow only
closing transactions, or option exchanges may halt or suspend trading, depending on the circumstances of
the delisting of the underlying security. In certain situations, OCC may utilize alternative settlement
procedures in accordance with OCC By-Laws for exercise and assignment activity of such options.
Alternative settlement procedures may include requiring broker-to-broker settlement or fixing a cash
settlement price if Clearing Members are unable to effect broker-to-broker settlement or in the absence of
a corporate action or similar event on the underlying security.
Options investors are reminded that the unavailability of underlying securities is a risk associated with
options trading. Information on this and other risks can be found in the options disclosure document,
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (also known as the “ODD”), which is available on
OCC’s website at
If you have any questions regarding this memo, please contact the Member Services Help Desk at the
following numbers: 800-544-6091 or 800-621-6072. Within Canada, please call 800-424-7320. Clearing
Members may also e-mail Member Services at


since we are trading Russian stonk and ETF, its listed on the NYSE and whatever the Russian exchange is. IF it were to get delisted it would be done by the NYSE in agreements with whatever the Russian exchange is. that would be either a Voluntary or Involuntary delisting. HOWEVER I am seeing that if it is delisted from our exchange and not Russians then we get the shares at the price it was delisted from our exchange and can either sell the shares or trade them pink sheet style and or OTC (over the counter) trading.

Your option contracts will not be put on restrictions but if it is delisted from ur current broker then whatever is going to happen to what you own is dependent on what what your brokers rules are and if there are shares available or not.

IF there are no shares available then, u are still entitled to ur money that u would have made if the stock fell to ur strike price. example, whatever ur strike is x100 shares is what u would get paid out.

I do not think that it will get perma delisted but might just be a continued halt in trading due to the amount of sanctions and effect it has had on the Russian companies and shit.

this is not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor, this is just what I have seemed to find