T Fuckin Milly Trades

After many of trial and errors along with being busy with work and having to be house bitch for a few weeks after my mother n father both having surgery. it is time that I begin trading again.STARTING OVER WITH $30 IN THIS ACCOUNT AND RUNNING IT UP I will also be starting an IRA with weekly deposits to buy boomer shares even though it pains me to say that, but its just what I should really do for the long term part.

I was watching spy and saw it bottom out around 375 at the time and I entered a quick call scalp for $6 profit. I will be attempting to get at least a trade or 2 in before work everyday since I am not really able to look at the markets between 12pm till market close so well see what we can do.

Anyways this time my return is forreal unless I go dummy mode and try a tiktok trading strat again.

$6 gain today Not shooting for a certain percent each week. Just trading and selling for small gains over n over n over again

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Good looks thermal. Took amc 14.5c off his callout. 26% gain


took a spy 388 8/31 put @10:30 for .20. Sold @10:34 for a $5 gain. The fucking goat is back to trading mother fuckers


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I am slowly but surely making my way back into trying to trade more. Between school and working at fucking UPS I have like no time to trade during market hours it’s so ass. #MakeMarketOpen24/7

anyways I’m back up to $77 in my one account. The actual small account challenge goat, a title I gave myself.