T mf Milly6969 Trading Journal Biography

The start of the Legendary Tmilly6969 Trading Journal Biography, folks u wont wanna miss this lemme tell ya. From broke to triple dunce to no longer dunced to taking wallstreet by its balls.

Got tired of being on Robinhood so I made a webull account and started with like $100 + some free stocks that I obviously sold cuz stock is gay, options are better. Will be updating weekly/if not daily with stuff I either made money on or lost.

Insert Imagine of first screenshot of journal


Insert goal, buying an Audemars Piguet hopefully.

my lesson has still not been learned, 0/3 on the fomc stuff. oh well, win some you lose some.

yeah that went as planned. my account got nuked so now restarting with $7 LMAO. had a spy put and held over night and sold this morning and now have $21. Twenty one to a milly here I go


You got this homie. Iā€™m in almost the exact same boat. Redemption time.

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