Start off saying this is not really a guide but a mess of my thoughts and perception of scalping the market. I grew up playing video games so I tend to lock onto exploits, ways to bypass certain mechanics or other patterns. Most of the time it’s for fun, sometimes its just to get pass an annoying mob or boss. These type of moments can be used to get better entry points for whatever play you’re scheming. I interpret this timeframe as an opportunity to scalp calls as they lose their opening premium, collect a few percent then cash out. Build a habit of locking onto people or time frame catalysts rather than playing every day as an all day event. It can be exhausting and quite honestly an information overload to track everyone and every ticker when you can reduce your alerts to certain times, people, companies and move on with your day.
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These type of moments can be used to get better entry points for whatever play you’re scheming. I interpret this timeframe as an opportunity to scalp calls as they lose their opening premium, collect a few percent then cash out. Build a habit of locking onto people or time frame catalysts rather than playing every day as an all day event. It can be exhausting and quite honestly an information overload to track everyone and every ticker when you can reduce your alerts to certain times, people, companies and move on with your day.