The 1x Short VIX Futures ETF (SVIX) and 2x Long VIX Futures ETF (UVIX)

Based on the article - these seem to be based on Retail investors - that us.

Thought I would toss it up on the forums - so we have a place to discuss it once it starts hitting the popular channels or before -

A snippet of the news article linked below - “The 1x Short VIX Futures ETF (SVIX) and 2x Long VIX Futures ETF (UVIX) have received regulatory approval to list and will start trading on Wednesday, said Stuart Barton, chief investment officer at Volatility Shares, the company releasing the ETFs.”

“In February 2018, a volatility-tracking note called the VelocityShare Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETN went bust amid a surge in market volatility in an event which was eventually dubbed “Volmageddon,” taking with it nearly $2 billion in investor assets.”