The halls of Valhalla have grown a little larger. Announcing the Forum & Patreon

Announcing… this place!

Recent growth has exposed an issue with Discord as a delivery method for certain types of information. It’s great for day to day trading, chatting, etc. But it starts to fall apart when it comes to sharing long-form information such as analysis, updates, etc.

To remedy this, we’ve created this forum. As you’ve already learned, there is no need to register, you simply log in with your Discord account. The forum itself only permits users that are currently able to access our discord server, so it’s the perfect place to “explain yourself” to the community.

We’ve already begun migrating the education section of the discord to the forum and will continue to migrate other channels that are better fitted for this format such as analysis from ascending-demigods users (and obviously announcements). The forum is newly configured, so it may take us a little while to get everything right, but we already have several users that are excited to use this platform for some more detailed ideas.

And… a Patreon

I’ve said since the early days of this community that it’s important to me that it remain free. The only barrier to entry to this place is the character of the individual and their willingness to learn/grow and that will never change. So to those who do not possess a lot of capital, do not worry, your seat at this table is safe and I will personally fund every expense this community has to ensure it stays that way. This community is about money, but it’s not about your money.

With that said, we are growing and so are the expenditures of money and time. Members of the community have noticed this and offered to donate and I believe that this is a fair compromise. If you feel that the community provides enough value to you and you feel the need to give back, I have created a Patreon where you may do so. There are no special rewards besides the “Anointed” role which has no extra benefits at all besides a color change.

For transparency, the Patreon donations will be applied to the following in the following order:

  1. Data fees for things such as ORATS & ORTEX.
  2. Premium Discord Bot subscriptions.
  3. Costs of this Forum.
  4. Dispursements to staff members for their time and continued dedication.

You can find the Patreon HERE.

More to come, stay tuned :wink:


gg, this is cool lol.


heya everyone! :slight_smile: thats a cool idea

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Love this. Bless up.

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I’m into it. Thanks for setting this whole thing up.

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This is great, Conq!


:eyes::eyes: we see you conq. Putting in the time​:muscle:t3:

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How do you do fellow traders

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This is really neat!!!

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Awesome idea, thanks!


Cheers and thanks for everything you do


Hello! Nice to meet everyone!

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Cool and cheer to everyone here


Awesome! Really appreciate all the effort you put in to constantly better the community.

Neat-o. Thanks for putting all of this together!

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Great idea, thank you!

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I’ve been a long time lurker since the days of Trailer Park Bets, it’s so exciting to see how this community has/is changing and expanding!

Thanks for everything you do Conq!

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Woot Woot its time to get official


This is an awesome idea great work guys!

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I want to express my gratitude to you for creating and maintaining this platform. This is exactly the sort of environment I have been looking for and struggling to find.

It has been so refreshing to be in a community that is focused on taking profits and teaching others where they are making mistakes. There are not many people that take the time to explain decisions they are making and offer guidance. The focus on this was clear from the outset, to learn and start to make decisions based on individual research rather than just “yolo’ing” into trades based on DD that is not even fully understood by most. Personally it’s exactly what I’ve needed to gain the confidence to invest more of my time (and capital) into learning to trade due to the accessibility that this community gives. For that I can’t thank you enough.

Looking forward to more learning and trying to get some financial freedom! Cheers!