Are you predicting more decline lower than the oct-nov 2022 lows? I personally thought we would be hitting bottom last Nov just by looking at 2007 downturn. If you look at that, it only took ~13 months to hit the bottom.
Why do you have Real Real as possible bankruptcy candidate?
Thanks for sharing all this.
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I’ve read through your screenshots and I’m not sure what the hypothesis is (as it covers housing, food, and more.) But I think it’s primarily about housing - so are you saying there are too many houses because boomers are dying? Don’t you think their descendants who perhaps cannot afford to buy a house will inherit said houses and move in? There are also immigrants moving to the US in record numbers, all of whom also will want to buy houses (eventually - from personal family experience, it’s about 7 years to be able to afford the down payment). Clue me in a bit more about your hypothesis when you have time.
Thank you for sharing. For me they are too many variables that are hard, almost impossible, to predict. Have you thought about commercial real estate? Should be a more predictable.
Yeah I’m doing more research on commercial real estate (might even just get my license here in CO) we just sold a building in NJ at the top which gave me a cute little inside on how these big boys are negotiating but I still have a lot of work to do