I thought I try and join the smart kids and keep a log
2/14 - Mostly Just Wheel plays for the week -
Sold CC’s on Hood $14 strike for $45
Sold CC’s on LCID $28.50 strike for $100
CSP’s on SOFI 12.50 $72
CSP’s on LUMN 10.50 $52 (questioning this choice time will tell)
Bought shares of GTE for 1.31 a share looking to scalp - prob a bad choice due to being bored
Jumped in on XOM 81’s 2/28’s bit a FOMO - crossing my fingers
Sold - GTE Shares for a small loss in PM -
Kavl for some quick scalps - from JP
Bought more XOM to average down the price
Jump on AA FD’s from the bot call - this was a questionable choice
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Sold off XOM for a decent little profit - about 15%
Bought ET FD’s (gamble)
- Prob sitting out rest of the day -
Bought back SOFI CSP’s for $17 -
Put in Sell orders for Sofi CSPS 12.50’s @ $35
Pretty quiet day, was a little busier at work - in and out on Xom 79’s from Conq -
Sold 12 CSP’s on Hood and Sofi - all FD’s - just to collect some small risk cash before they expire tomorrow though they dipped a bit more than I expected
Bought back HOOD CC’s for $1 - could of just let them expire out but a buck was worth it - will be watching for a chance to sell Feb 25’s CC for $35-$45 if it appears
Averaged down on XOM Feb 25’s - Sold XOM for breakeven
Added a handful of NU Puts - 3/18
Bought back LCID CC’s for $5 - put in orders for CC’s 28.50 strike @ 1.25
As expected with Fridays - Russia News and Overall Market Drop - got assigned on all my CSP’s
Monday - No Market Presidents day -
Tuesday hoping for a bit of bounce back
Hood - $14 CC’s for .40
LCID $28.50 CC’s for 1.25
SOFI $12.50’s for .45
On LUMN did well over all things considered but looking to drop all the shares for $10.00 - tiny profit just over break-even
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Well, none of the above worked out too well - readjusting due to the overall market being down which I should have expected.
Sold LUMN for break-even
Sold $11 Puts on SOFI
Sold 28.50 CC on LCID
Bought SPY 2/25 420s - Bought more to average down
SOLD HOOD 12.50 CC’s
Tried to sell Sofi 13 CC’s no one wants to buy them -
Sold Spy 420 Puts - nice gains
Bought Spy 430 strikes - Sold those for decent gains
Bought March 4th LCID $30 Strikes
Bought Vtex 12.50’s
Bought Joby 5’s
Bought Maxr 30’s
Bought Weat 9’s
Sold Weat 9’s (150% profit) Thanks to @Conqueror on that one from challenge tread
Bought SPY 416Puts - Bought these down on the run-up (going to end up taking a large lose on these I knew better)
Sold Maxr 30’s (60%)
Bought back LCID CC’s for $2
Expecting SPY puts to expire worthless (decent loss on these had opportunities to exit)
Bought back HOOD CC’s for $1
Bought SPY 429P’s for a quick scalp - set to sell 1.50 - 15% - that didn’t work out at all - buying down looking to minimize loss if possible 55% loss - I need to quit playing FDs on spy for a bit
Got assigned on SOFI PUTS $11 - a bit surprised since break-even was 10.38 closed at 10.60 - will look to wheel next week
Sold LCID - $30 Stikes, 100% return nice dump at open
Bought $12 RSX PUT 3/4 - Challenge play from Conquer (is 3/11’s)
Sold ANY 3.50 CC’s for $2 -
Sold JOBY $5 Call for $60 - nice 100% return (Bot Play)
Sold SOFI $13 CC’s for $42
SOLD LCID $35 CC’s for $50
SOLD HOOD 12.50 CC’s for $24
SOLD RSX PUTs - Decent profit - about 35% (might of sold too early but it is ok)
SOLD SOFI 11P’s March 4’s @ $74
Bought back LCID $35 CC for $3
Sold LCID 28’s CC for $30
Bought back SOFI $13 CC’s for $10 (looking for a pop to resell)
Bought back SOFI $11 PUTs for $15 (might get back in)
Bought 1x SOFI 15 Call - for $16.00 3/4
Bought a SPY $440 FD for $312.00 - Sold for $325 (was going to lunch and set a sell order and it popped)
Bought 3 WEAT calls $10 @ .50
Bought 2 RSX 7P’s 1.70 each
Bought 2 CORN 25 calls .85 each
Bought 1 FL 25P for .50
Bought 1 AOE 24 call for .26
SOLD SOFI $15 FD for $1 - 86% lose
SOLD 3x WEAT for .75
Bought SNOW 200P FD .60
SOLD SNOW 200p FD 1.05
SOLD 1X RSX 7P 2.35
SOLD 1X RSX 7P 3.00
SOLD SOFI 11.50 CC 3/4 $9 - cause $9 is $9
Bought 5X 5.5P’s 3/18 for 1.75
SOLD FL 25P for .60 Decent gain
Bought 1X WEAT 11C 1.75
Bought 1X WEAT 11C 1.45
Bought 3X VALE 20.50 FDS .02 - Silly lotto play
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SOLD ANY 3.50 CC for $0.01
SOLD 2X WEAT 11’s for 1.90
SOLD HOOD 12.50 CC for .25
Bought BBBY FD 326 for 3.20 (challenge play) / Bought 4 more @ 1.46 - averaging down / Bought 5 more @ .94
SOLD 10X BBBY for 1.40 per
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Bought 5X CEI .50P’s for .01 - lotto for fun
Bought 1X WEAT $11C for $1.55 (Conq Play)
Bought 1X LUMN $10.50C for .46
SOLD LCID 26CC for $21.00
Bought 1X SCO $5C for .64 (Conq Play)
Bought 100shares - FAMI @ 0.1451 (junk stock - might get pumped)
Bought 100shares - METX @ 0.1609 (junk stock - might get pumped)
Bought 1X WEAT 11C for 1.35 - Averaging down
Bought 2X WEAT 11C for 1.15 - Averaging down
Bought 1X WEAT 11C for 1.10 - Averaging down
Bought 5X WEAT 11C for .75 - Averaging down
SOLD 100x METX @ 0.17 this was a trash buy I should of never done
Bought 100x WPRT @ 1.80
SOLD SCO $5 Call @ 1.10 (Nice profit from Conq Play)
SOLD 100x FAMI @ 0.16 this was a trash buy I should have never done
Bought 5X WEAT @ .75 Averaging down
SOLD BNO 27P @ .15 (took a lose on that one, can’t win them all)
Bought 5X WEAT @ .40 Averaging down
SOLD 100x WPRT @ 1.76 ($4 loss) “need to quite doing bored trading”
Bought 1x MNDT $25 6/17 @.25
SOLD LUMN $10.50C for .15 (65%) lose - should of sold it earlier had better ops to take a smaller lose
SOLD 17 WEAT 11C’s for .40 - decent loss could of played it better (3 left to sell cause they didn’t fill)