Trading when near goal portfolio levels

Looking for some advice because I noticed this happening to me. Often times when I get close to a goal portfolio level (5k, 10k, etc) I end up rushing to try and hit it and it usually ends up backfiring on me. I was at 9.6k last Friday and blew up the weeks gains doing exactly that. I’m back in the same position today and want to avoid doing that. any advice or experiences is appreciated.

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I had this problem and the best thing you can do is, before you get there, make a second (realistic) goal further out. Focus on it. Enjoy the moment of meeting the first one, but move the chains and get back at it.


I’ve had this issue a lot too where i’m taking riskier and overleveraged plays to push over a milestone. Something that helped me was hiding my total port value and just trading each position individually


@HankPym happy to report I touched the milestone on Friday and just let it sit until near EOD to take a smaller positions in AI and SMCI. Sold this morning right at opening after blowing past that mental number. I appreciate the advice and i’m focused on the next goals

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