TWTR & Elon Musk speculation

I just took some Lottos on Twitter for 04.14.22 and 05.20.22, I was originally short on the headlines that Musk may make his own Social Media company. I have since changed my thoughts after accepting the L on my puts, I personally don’t see a reason to re-invent the wheel, and Musk is a voracious user of Twitter, so at this point I think he takes an active role in Twitter through a stake in the company or some other means.

This was all just random speculation that I decided to throw a lotto on, but I am curious what others think about his recent comments on Twitter, and others speculating about him creating his own company.

Here are the headlines/tweets–


I closed my calls this morning a bit after the open. I thought about holding on longer and wanted to see the reaction after the opening bell. Ended up getting some poorer fills than I wanted but still made some 3000% on this position. I hope Twitter will stay in play over the next couple months, but at this point this was the headline I was hoping for.

I think this thread can be archived.


Good stuff here man , should have put it in DD section. Can we move this to DD if I can create a new thread there.

My thought process is that with Elon on the board it can change the brand of TWTR into not splitting the social media based on the issue of free speech and tech and social media. So right now we have a pullback of TWTR when we are seeing a multiday runner of TWTR. I am thinking that we can play this on the downtrend especially if SPY keeps going down and Elon sentiment goes away as there will be more downturn that can happen since the underlying company hasnt changed in the shorterm. So when shorterm fear is high and longterm doesnt matter , buying puts here might be the play.

I think perhaps just close this thread and start a fresh one as an actual DD. This wasn’t in the DD thread because It was more speculation on what Elon would do with his recent tweets than it was a breakdown of Twitter itself. But perhaps this should have been in DD, I’m not sure what the answer is there, I kind of went off what other stuff I saw in the “General Discussion” thread and figured this would line up with that.

But since your wanting to go into analysis/DD I think this should be archived, and perhaps you can start a fresh one?