Urban One - Slow Mover it P&D

Noticed this on a daily mover chart - as of the time of the posting - Up almost 7%

Was able to find a little bit of news on it - mostly speculative and a bit dated

On the Possible P&D - Mostly based on the company they keep

Could it be we missed it? 100% -

I grabbed 100 shares @ 7.38 (I plan to dump them @ 7.50) Only playing with them due to the RSI (this is me being bored and making poor choices, I do not recommend)

Seems to be some theories in /pennystocks about June 19th (Juneteenth)

I am more on the P&D side of things if anything - but would love to hear others’ thoughts.

Dumped the shares for a tiny loss - going to watch it for a bit - but prob nothing more

It’s definitely a pump and dump. I would be interested in finding out the companies long term fundamentals and see if they are improving over time edit - just read that they are a media company. However, I think historically it does well in the May - June timeframe. If you were going to enter a swing, I would consider entering post May FOMC and holding until close to Juneteeth. Or, since earnings are first week of May you could enter end of April and hold through until June.

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