Valhalla 2021 End of Year Superlatives!

Greetings Valhalla,

With the year coming to an end, we’d like to wrap up 2021 by recognizing some of the greatest moments in our community!

From dunce caps to wholesome moments to life lessons taught by conq, we can all agree there’s a lot we want to immortalize in the form on superlatives.

To vote on the superlatives, please go to this google form:

Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Vote who you think fits the superlative BEST.
  2. Keep superlatives unique, meaning, don’t use the same person for multiple answers.
  3. The last two questions are image submissions. Google forms only lets people upload photos if they use their email and other personal info, so please use It’s super easy to use, and if you can’t figure it out, don’t let anyone know otherwise you’ll get a dunce cap.
  4. Have fun with it! We purposely made this superlative list so it’s feelgood. All answers are anonymous, so feel free to let loose and speak your mind for each category.

Voting will be closed off December 31st 10pm Eastern. Superlatives will be announced Jan 1st 8pm Eastern, so make sure you’re around to see who wins!




Easter isn’t on January 1st

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lmaoooo fixed it, now vote!!!


:joy: there we go

Done, nice work.