VC Night Poll for Potential Schedule Change

The first VC Night was somewhat hastily scheduled and now that the concept has taken hold I’d like to see if we can increase the attendance by offering an opportunity to move the event from it’s current home of every other Wednesday at 8 PM EST. I would like this to become an event that gathers the community to discuss trading and increase camaraderie. I know people have requested specifically to hear from @TheHouse and @The_Ni and more and I do honestly like the idea of it.

So with that said, please vote your availability below (everyone).

Day of the Week
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

Time of Day
  • 5 PM EST
  • 6 PM EST
  • 7 PM EST
  • 8 PM EST
  • 9 PM EST
  • 10 PM EST

0 voters

Frequency of Meetings
  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly

0 voters


I forgot to set my alarm to wake up to attend last night’s meet [Europoor timezone], Im not asking for a minutes thread or anything like that, but could there be a summary of future chats if anything crucial to the Valhalla community is mentioned [Challenge update / Discord changes / Discord wide plays on the horizon etc] for those of us who accidentally miss a meet? Thanks


Yeah, going to work on this. The past two VC Nights have been super casual since I’ve been on sick leave for lack of better phrasing, but as we start to pick back up I’ll make it more of a point to log what is talked about.


Closed this poll. There is significant interest in a Sunday meeting, kicking around the possibility of a monthly weekend meeting. Unsure.


we must convene on a holy day cause if we dont counteract all these FD’s were going to hell for sodomy