What do you make of BFI?

Description of why you are requesting DD: <I absolutely love this restaurant chain, and I would like to gain a few other perspectives on its stock.>
Applicable links to news articles or Reddit analysis: <BurgerFi buys fellow South Florida chain Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza >

In this poster’s opinion, forget Wendy’s. Forget In-And-Out Burger. Forget Burger King, forget McDonald’s, forget Shake Shack. Burger Fi has better food and service than any competitor. It is a rapidly expanding chain that I believe will do well far into the future, although my DD on the company hasn’t gone too far past crushing beers and burgers at various Burger Fi locations. It went public late last year, and its stock has been rather steadily sliding downward ever since. I am posting this in the hopes that someone with an eye keener than mine for stocks can give me their perspective. This is not a gamma play; I plan on going extremely long on this company. I am not looking for confirmation bias, but simply other peoples’ perspectives. Thanks for your time.

Pic of Luigi, my cat, included for fun.