XPOA ~1.3m float despac with options

XPOA is a despac with options with a float of around 1.3m. Their merger target is D-wave systems, a quantum computing company. Recently they announced a “strategic alliance” with mastercard.


Not much OI currently, with FAZE and GETY not even getting over 100% of the float in ITM OI don’t think this will either, but could have a bit of a pump…GETY and FAZE both had pretty heavy pullbacks which were good entrys before they ran higher so this could play out similarly.

Only problem is it doesnt have any SI for retail to get excited about.


I’m looking at calls if it dips to around 10 and the options volume is good.


The new ticker is supposed to be QBTS today. I guess it’s not trading pre-market?


looks like they removed options when they changed the ticker?

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So options are now trading on QBTS. Just watching this for now, I think it won’t be long before pumpers get ahold of it.

I think the float on this is still 1.3m although the s-1 could go into effect soon. EVEX was a similar sort of play and it bounced off around the 5.50 area all the way up to 12.

I’m watching for any odd options volume because I see pumpers getting a hold of it.


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