25% Satisfaction - SPY and Momentum Overnight

When I wrote this on Feb 17, retail was still shouting bullish retardation.

I dont believe all the gaps will be filled, given that it’s a fund of 500 tickers.
We should see a “few” more candles driving things down further.

So, I ask again…

SPY to 325, anyone?

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Im debating on getting June 400 puts…

1 very cheap OTM strike is fine.
I’ll get 1 myself.

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Currently holding these…

This week will be hot :fire:


Exiting SPY strangle with over 20% gain…

Will reenter again tomorrow.

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Really cool seeing this strangle play out, congrats!

Right? Thanks, man! The process is getting better bit by bit too.
Also closed another strangle on my test account for 18.96% gain…

I almost forgot I had that position until my wife commanded me to put our stuff in the car.
I’m tempted to remind her that I paid for the entire trip and continue to work while they enjoy the pool.
But I like waking up with my pipi in 1 piece, so.


9.34% gain on MSFT strangles…

Loving this process.

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At this point, I’m profitable enough to get a SPY leap on 235p.
Can’t say when exactly I’ll pick it up and what opex, but I’ll limit the budget to $600 only…

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Just the tip of the ice berg

FB premiums have ramped up again…

I’ll be exiting the strangles later today, and hold that 1put I got yesterday.

Also looking to enter AAPL strangles this afternoon.

Had to cut my run on FB since I need to take my son to the park.
14.66% gain. Cool enough :sunglasses:

Still holding that 1put overnight.
That one is already up over 200%, but I only got it for cheap, so :person_shrugging:

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Got my 10 AAPL strangles and I’ll probably be willing to exit at 5% tomorrow.
Maybe the IV will pump, but from what I’ve seen today with FB, it can be dicey.
Still hoping for another good trade.

Will also start to look for SPY entries for May 6 opex.

I’m so profitable, I had to fight for TradingView’s 50% discount…

Thanks for the timely response, @PaperhandsJB !

Enjoying the gains.

The past 2 weeks, I have earned enough from my process to:

  • Take the family on a short vacation.
  • Actually use some funds to clear 2 credit cards–instead of using other income.
  • Pay for tools I use to trade, annual subscriptions.

I’m hoping to buy new shirts next week. Maybe 3.

And yes, new underwear. Probably.


Exited AAPL strangles with over 7% gain…

Done for the day.

Entered 1 SPY strangle, looking for volatility post ER of big names tonight.


With this shaky market, you miss the shots you don’t take. Actually that’s in any market.
But volatility is so good!

Took strangles on MOS for their ER on Monday AH.
IV is real good.

Whatever happens on the weekend, I’m sure to profit.

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Managed to gain over 31% on my main account for the last half of April…

I was thinking of closing this thread today, but I’ve decided to keep it for the rest of 2022.
If I keep this pace up, I might take a hiatus much sooner than I originally calculated.

Enjoying the gains:

  • Family did some shopping over the weekend, they of course didn’t think about getting me some new boxers.
  • Bought my movie tickets for May 8.
  • Splurged on food. And then some more.
  • I’m expecting a credit limit upgrade this week after all that spending.

MOS strangles didn’t work.
This is my 2nd Monday strangle play and both have failed (the other one was profitable but barely)–so I’m skipping all Monday ER plays, moving forward.
I am preparing a spreadsheet with my pointers on these ER strangle plays.
I’ll keep playing them throughout the year and tally the data for presentation.

Cash right now, will be entering again tomorrow…


What are you looking at today?