Adding STIM here at 4.25 and will average down if hits 4.10 <@&895135662867619930>
Need to see a rebreak of 4.40 on STIM then 4.50 for a push <@&895135662867619930>
Probably will sell STIM if it breaks 4.50 here <@&895135662867619930>
gonna hold my puts as I think we go down after market open <:pepepray:930324508018106448>
dropped my meta puts for a bit under break even (taking into the profits yesterday). holding my spx ones as i think this rally is fake and gay.
Looking at SPY calls if it drops back down to 388.50 or 388. <@&895135662867619930> Make sure and watch TSLA, AAPL, MSFT before entering and bot callouts
Not happy as the SPY 388.50 didn’t come and it bounced quicker than I thought. If you bought that dip, I would probably exit around now or 390 as that would be almost 50% gains playing FDs. Hope you all doing well today. <@&895135662867619930>
opening my SPY 09/16 380p 10.62 here for earnings season, I’ll probably cut if earnings prove bullish
Been busy most of the day, but I’m seeing a lot of people getting stuck waiting for the market “to be right”, as in match your own sentiment. There is a lot of doom and gloom but the market only reacts to what is in front of it. Live and die by what the market calendar and the data coming out says. Heading into earnings season, what the earnings say will matter, but watching a chart go up all day long waiting for a bearish signal because you think the lizard people running the country are lying to you is bad trading. Things are bad, they’re not that bad at this moment. There is a lot of “bad” that is #pricedin. Play the trend you see, not the one that fulfills your economic disaster fanfics. Get this money. <:pepepray:930324508018106448>
Ok tried puts twice on the 1m then the 3m sell (yes during the massive uptrend we are in and just bought 1 for testing each time.) If I didn’t sell after 2-3 candles the first time would have been loss. This 2nd time its working well (bought at 2:20pm, but we also have to account that SPY is near a peak and its end of day. Each time I set stop loss right after i bought it. That tweet probably helped just now as I closed 10%. I will try and test more and post more about the trials on forums. <@&895135662867619930>
taking a 389p for Friday SPY
PRPB is DeSPAC-ing into Getty Images. Has options, got some 8/19 7.5P/5P bearish put spreads. It’s a company with revenue and positive earnings, but the $4.8B valuation assigned to it seems rich. So expecting it to fall from here, though not crash to $2 levels.
Buy order filled for $0.50, is $0.425 now, thanks to prices holding up well after losing the floor.
If redemption numbers are high, this could end up spiking too. Though its not total junk, so shouldn’t have astronomically high redemptions.
got bailed out by that morning rip to be down .32% on the account, unless there’s a serious momentum play will be sitting out. there’s a lot of bearish news that came ou in europe overnight + tsla earnings ah today. good luck all
Set these limit orders, hopefully some of these fill before prices really run away from us.
Bull call spreads:
Earnings are before expiry of all these options. None have filled yet, wanted to park them here in case anyone else is interested to take a look.
Shitty little RH account funded. Scalping OTM while the balance is low. Took a 7/22 $385P on the 12:12PM Mimir callout of weakening buy. Leaving some room to average down if needed. Opex days will sometimes result in sudden reversals in the afternoon (between 12 and 2) that can cause large delta/vega movements in contracts.
starting 3800p 7dte here
Scalp complete, sold out of position at 44% profit
Out of buying power today after that drop averaging down on my SPY FD calls…I think market got spooked because Google said hiring pause vs slow like they said a few weeks ago. Have TSLA earnings now and market has been running up for the last week. I would be a bit scared to play/scalp anything else because that spooked the market. Best to sit the day and see how TSLA earnings comes out and effects the market. GL all <@&895135662867619930>
just peeked - seems like we’re in a weird zone right now, still holding the puts as theyre up a comfortable amount. may look to shed some soon so i dont lose to theta
TBLT watch for 5.10 then 5.25 break. Support needs to hold at 5 here <@&895135662867619930>