ASTR - Potential to Skyrocket

Dear fellow speculators,

this is my first DD here so let’s see if I do this correctly. This in not a fundamental play, instead a play of a single event which could push the stock to the moon, or cut it in half. So this is a very risky play, just buy what you can afford to loose. Therefore I can’t give you financial advice.

I’m watching $ASTR since a few months now.
It’s a space company which produces light weight aluminum rockets. The idea is, that these rockets don’t need too much space and could almost start from everywhere. This could be a cheap way to bring your payloads effectively into space. If you want to know more, just look at their website, I always recommend to check this stuff yourself.

In comparison to other space company’s the company is small and like every other ones in this business the stock is very volatile. While it had an 52-week high at USD 22,47 the shares trade at a price which is below the pre spac amount.

When looking at the chart you can clearly see a pattern when the stock runs: The company is still testing their rockets and before every launch the stock price rises in hope of a breakthrough.

The last launch went terribly wrong and the rocket LV0006 crashed after a few minutes. The stock fell to all time lows at USD 7,34. It stayed for some time in this region until the company published some news: They found the source for the crash and are launching a new fixed version of their rocket now called LV0007.

The launch is planned to be October 27-31 or November 5-12.

The stock did already run because of this, so this entry point is over.

But I expect the stock to consolidate at this price range about USD 9,20-9,60 and there may come a sell the news event or a bigger sell of, if the first launch window can’t be held. That’s when to buy in.

If the rocket launch succeeds, and there’s a big chance it will, the stock will rise to the same highs it has seen before the last failed launch. This will be at least about USD 11-12, so right now without a sell off there’s a chance of a 26% increase for stocks alone, when the stock drops in the scenarios mentioned above it’ll be more. I don’t play options, so I can’t give you any hints on these.

On the other hand: If the launch failes, the stock could drop really hard and see a new rock bottom. The next launch then is not scheduled before February.

So what to do? Check the website and think about arguments for the cause of the last failed launch. If you find them reasonable and are willing to risk your investment wait for a good entry point. I expect the price will fall a bit soon before the launch, when people get scared that the next launch will fail too and therefore sell beforehand. If the rocket launch succeeds take profit or even hold some shares, because this means the company made a breakthrough and will be able to accelerate their growth. It’s hard to tell when, but the stock could rise a few days before the new launch window next week too. It’s all a matter of days now.

Good luck!

My position: 110 Stocks @8.83


Your analysis seems good enough to enter with you :slight_smile: Thanks for this DD

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Thanks for the info. I’ll look into them further today. Good luck with the launch!

Thaanks for the DD! I’m going to be watching this one.


Thanks for the DD, will consider a buy shares.


Thank you for your contribution! I looked forward to hopefully seeing more dd’s from you!

Hey my friends!
This looks exactly as expected. Congrats to all who bought in on the dip last Friday. Remember to take profits when you feel comfortable. Tomorrow will be exciting, it could make a correction but more probably it’ll go on like this. Although nobody can see into the future I’m confident the launch will be way better than last time or even reach orbital velocity. Manage your risks and good fortune :slight_smile:


Hey, so ASTRA launch window from 11/13-11/15.
and earnings today. Earnings gonna be meh, but I playing for the launch

Launch window has been pushed to Nov 18. Cutting it close for Nov 19 calls, may roll to December expiry


ASTR launch live in 60 minutes


Delayed by 20 minutes


Well that was a great success this night! Congrats who stayed tuned. The next thing I’m curious is the stock price on Monday. It indeed was a rollercoaster but I’m relieved they finally reached orbit. I’ll hold a small portion of my shares just to see where they are in a few years.

Here’s the link if you want to see the launch:

Thank you for this DD. I hope we’re treated well Monday

Happy Green day :). Now next step, when to exit

EDIT: Best time is now, i closed and got my gains, it was just gambling money, but gains are gains

Thanks a lot for this DD

I hope you all had fun playing this, I sure had. I took my gains and sold most of my positions for 13.30, but as I said I am still holding 10 % just to see where they can go. Wish you all good luck, even better positions to take gains and see you on the next play.


Thanks for the DD


Sold mine at 13.45. Thank you for the call out

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Congrats to everyone! It’s looking to be a sell the news scenario from here so I’ll be Hall of Faming this thread and someone can make another on the long hold potentials if they see fit.