$BRPM Faze clan has a SPAC that has insane meme potential

I genuinely believe this will be the next meme SPAC hype. Faze has insane brand power.
Everyone keeps trashing them saying how can you value a company like them for 1 billion. First you need to realize the market isn’t some perfect system where ‘fundamentals’ run everything. We saw it today with $BKKT AND $DWAC last week.
This SPAC is just beginning, It’s only at $11.70 as i’m writing this. It went from 30 people watching it on stock twits to 1200 people watching it in one day. Every kid and teen knows what Faze is. They have insane marketing outreach and huge meme ability as a stock. I genuinely would say look it over and realize we aren’t living in a perfect market that’s a illusion.It may not be worth it long term but it definitely has huge short term potential.
Don’t OVERLOOK this. You saw this week garbage companies going up 500% (CRTD,PHUN,ETC) all off momentum. I believe we are just at the start of the wave with this. Anyone tell me your insight because i Genuinely think i found a gem.


If you want people to invest, I suggest putting some more effort into writing up a DD!


I don’t doubt that Faze is popular. But is it popular with the demographics that have money to invest and drive it up? I’m in my thirties and it’s a known brand but not an exciting one. GameStop, AMC, BlackBerry, etc. were all immediately recognizable and “meaningful” (sentimentally valuable) brands to me. Faze is just something I recognize exists.

I know retail trading has brought more young traders in, but enough to turn a brand popular among kids and teens into the next high value meme-stock?

This isn’t to say your wrong. This is more me floating my personal reasons for uncertainty and hear if you know more about it that addresses this concern.


I don’t know what Faze is nor see any information in the DD on why OP says it should go up. Do you have any dates and/or numbers to share?


Faze is a gaming clan that’s been around for years. They play call of duty, Fortnite, and some others and have many members of the clan that have brands and personalities. It’s basically a bunch of streamers working under one umbrella group and they make alot of money doing it. I assume OP thinks that Faze could become a meme stock due to its gaming roots and online presence. Also some faze members have participated in Crypto pump and dumps and seem like the type to market pyramid schemes so this could end really badly or with a big pump.


knowing this makes me even more sketched out on this ticker


After hours $11.44. Not a gem by any means.

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How did Gamers get a company listed on a stock exchange?

It feels like you’re overhyping Faze. The absolute best case scenario for me is that you might get a bit of a bump when the business combination completes and they change the ticker to FAZE, but I don’t really see any catalyst that could cause a price move unless you know something that I haven’t been able to find online.

I’d wager that there’s a difference between Trump (DWAC/PHUN/CRTD) and Mastercard (BAKKT) being linked to companies and causing a pump, compared to a few streamers/gamers who most adults with disposable income haven’t really heard of.


The main problem with this play is that its a good gaming meme. But unless some Boomer calls out $BRPM I don’t think its going to happen.


Latest update

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New sec filing today. Merger date is set for July 15. No minimum cash requirement. Since this is about as shitty as a target could get it might be worth buying some July 15 puts (if the price is reasonable) as NAV floor will have dropped by then (redemption deadline is usually two days before merger meeting). Be careful about shorting the despac though as it could easily get “squeezed” due to being a low-float.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting (the “Special Meeting”) of the stockholders of B. Riley Principal 150 Merger Corp., a Delaware corporation (“BRPM,” “we,” “us” or “our”), will be held at 10:00 a.m., New York City time, on July 15, 2022 at B. Riley Principal 150 Merger Corp. 2022 Special Meeting. You are cordially invited to attend the Special Meeting, which will be held for the following purposes:
Proposal No. 1 — The Business Combination Proposal …

Source: S-4/A


From their investor presentation:

Would be rather difficult to justify a $1B valuation on these financials in this market. By a long shot, I think.

Some additional details on various speed bumps they have faced:

Not sure where all this optimism comes from:

From the ITM puts, looks like market is pricing this around the $5 level.

Will probably look at some August or October puts.

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I have Seen faze on Stockwits, Short Squeeze, and the other usual suspects quite a few times. To the best of my knowledge, it has never really materialized. Couple of links below from like 8 - 12 months ago - maybe one day it pops who knows…




The big catalyst is the ticker change. I tried to buy calls as the valuation is so absurd that it’s very likely to have extremely high redemptions. So I could see this being pumped because it’s a very recognizable name with a low float. Milly is genuinely bullish on the company though lmao

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This is kind of interesting -


It’s a good company with great name recognition, no doubt. Unfortunately they got carried away with the financials/projections :frowning:

If I remember correctly a lot of Faze clan members pumped the shit out of cryptos and NFTs to their fanbase, then sold at the peak fucking everyone over.

I do think there is a reality where if the float is small enough their members pump the ticker with their own money. Then, they spam “fAze ClaN tO tHe MoOn” to retail, and keep the hype going until they decide to dump it hard.

However it is important to note that the crypto and NFT pumps occured when the overall market was in a better place and the fears of recession weren’t as loud. People are less willing to throw money into these kind of tickers right now. You might not get much action other than retail throwing some lottos into OTM options. On top of the fact that, low float SPAC squeezes are dry AF rn. There was $NLIT a few weeks ago, but other than that have there been any other SPAC squeezes recently? So imo all factors considered it would be considerably harder to get people to buy into the idea of a squeeze than say 6 months ago.


I looked into the way they got their numbers and I think they’re being dishonest. From my comment in the other FAZE thread:

However, the valuation is quite rich at 1 billion and their revenue projections are laughable. Also, if you look into how they got to the numbers justifying the valuation and revenue projections you would quickly call bullshit.
For example: They wildly overstate their follower count by not taking into account that most of their followers are the same people across different social media platforms.

If you have 100k followers on Instagram and 100k subscribers on YouTube you don’t necessarily have 200k unique followers since it’s very likely that there’s a huge overlap.


DUNE and SVFC squeezed although I think SVFC was mostly news driven due to Walmart’s stake in the company.

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