James Doris : “Just got off with our engineer. The advance bench testing of the relays to be used as part of next week’s validation process in NJ went well. They are looking forward to next week. I will join them on Wed.”
8-K informing the CEI annual meeting for september 27th
New Vlog Update from the CEO
CEI up 9% and I quite dont know why. Will keep an eye on it.
Not sure if there is news out there but looks like it jumped from long term support of .34/.35
CEI at 12%. Someone must know something is in the way. For informations purpose. I hold 90 calls at 0.5c for september 2nd
They seem to be paying their CEOs quite ALOT of money all the while bleeding money.
C level suits paid 700k during 2021 while the company earned a total of 401k.
Only “green” due to Series C and G stock.
What catalyst should we be looking for?
Merger, voltage connection tech, carbone capture tech. For the CEO payments and all, I dont know if those fillings taking in count VKIN assets aswell. By what I remembered, the company had more revenu.
Rengoku, id like your input in CEI reaching .32 - looks like it broke bottom historical support but i am not fully sure. Thoughts?
Disclaimer - im in this for a small position
We learned with certainty 1 month ago that a great portion of the downward pressure comes from the HF Antilles converting their Serie C prefered shares into class A, witch have been diluting the float. Based on the most recent M. Doris input, 7% of those prefered shares are left to be converted. The rate in witch Antilles is doing these conversion is unknown at the moment.
In that same logic, market conditions, retail fatigue and Antilles pressure might be one of the reasons the 0.35 supports been busted in the last 2 weeks. Time will tel how thing going to turn out in the next month.
Getting ready for tuesday online meeting!
The reason for CEI current surge and what will be a potential reversal from now on
Dillution is over( Discover has done converting prefered C shares into comon and are now going long on CEI). Divers patent and updates on ESC tech been filed too
im banned bro you can come back it’s safe
Ph come back I miss you, we can dunk on swole together
Why Am I muted?