Camber Energy merger has a swing play and long term play for the licensed carbon-capture system in Canada

This is abuse of power. Why swole muting me for no reason. Ima call my lawyer

ddos i think it’s fixed now

Safe to say that CEI is in reversal phase now! Ill keep an eye on it!


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19% up I have no idea what’s going on

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Probably just caught up in the meme madness. Thankfully it’s saving the puts I sold.

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For everybody still in this. I apologies

I have the feeling there is insider trading at play here. Some announcement coming up.

CEI continuing it’s run. Recovered the totality of the downword pressure PM where it was in the red at 11%. Everything got ate up early at opening and going up in the green. Keeping an eye on it considering I have loto calls on it.

Up 21% PM


Out of the play!

I would like to have the input of well advanced traders here. The merger date have been settle for August first. The float of CEI is currently 22M. There’s considerable chatter about it online considering that Ther merger of CEI with VKIN was actually the Goal of that play for many people, a goal that as been delayed by many accounting issues and irregularities left by the previous administration of CEI. Do you think there’s a good potential for the price action to run up to August first? If I recall, the tendency of a derivative to run the week prior a merger is always subtential and considering that the float only 22M, there might be a possibility for scalping and swing trade this.

I had a position where I gained 91% profit. Didnt have time to call it on the TF, but I flipper that money with 15 calls for August 18th at $3 strike.

@The_Ni @Shadowstars @Conqueror if you guys have a little time tonight. What would be your input?



I think you would need to carefully read the results of special shareholders meeting.

Shareholders Meeting Results

But looks like your approximate count is roughly correct.

24,132,383 total outstanding voting shares as of May 22, 2023

Cursory glance at the results shows that they approved to potentially issue significantly more shares 20%+, along with the conversion of A Class and H Class shares.

I’ve been a bit out of the loop but I don’t see how a run could occur and I also don’t see much in the options flow.

I think that much of the move already occurred prior to the meeting and going now could be just trying to chase something that may not materialize.

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CEI currently up 7% in the day. The merger with VKIN will be live tomorrow at market open. Keeping and eye on it as I have loto calls for August 18th.

We’ll see


Up around 8% on the day

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