Dividend Capture with ZIM?

LI tried to get a put for less than 17 but hasn’t been filled. I’d be shocked if I’m not assigned today though

Never actually been assigned before. When will I know if I do get assigned?

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Should find out tomorrow morning.

This is such an interesting play. Thanks @SB for pointing it out no matter what happens. Can’t wait to find out and maybe look at ways to tweak it for other dividends

115k volume in $75 calls? Yowsa… Now ITM calls can be exercised all day tomorrow right? They would still clear by the 23rd, it was only straight stock purchases that had to be done today right?

I’m just happy to contribute! Hopefully it’ll work out for everyone who tried it :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Got assigned. Net profit $29.95. It’s a win!

I think they had to be exercised today, since tomorrow is ex-dividend.

Ah, bummer—what expiry did you go with?

Yeah, I was pretty certain of it. Still basically no risk so why not

4/14, $70 strike

I did notice from the day the dividend was announced to today, stock price went up about $17, huh

I was assigned:

Ah well, I guess it was too good to be true after all :smile:

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I was also assigned over night.

Just for the record next time this comes around. With the stock price closing at $88 yesterday, by far the largest volume for 3-25 calls was:

75 - (13.40) - 115,164
70 - (18.20) - 49,043

Will be interesting to see what the option prices are at open and what the stock does today.

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Assigned also. We still receive the dividend at least, right?

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That’s an awful lot of volume on an 80M float…

I think so? Since the shares didn’t get pulled away until after market close.

No, I don’t think anyone who was assigned receives the dividend—I think we basically just wasted our time :neutral_face:

But hey maybe the real dividends were the friends we made along the way, right? :kekw:

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From what I read, we should still receive the dividend since we held shares until COB on the ex-div date.

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