+$800 this week. Still down YTD but keeping my foot off the accelerator. Took profit on biotech plays and a few swings. Entered long term positions on small caps with M&A potential. Mostly trying to follow the money. I expect a bit of chop this quarter and will wait for opportunities
+$1,000 since the last update but still down YTD. Shocked and disappointed in myself that I identified MSFT and NVDA deep ITM calls in the Corruption port but only played shares. I estimate waiting for an entry cost me upwards of $10-15k. I’m changing mindset. No room to be a born loser. The Hustler describes it perfectly: https://youtu.be/utoI8XDAas8?si=SdkeMuhCblX8V3jx
Gave most of the two weeks gains back on SAVE + RR losses. RR was a Chinese rugpull that I should’ve seen coming. Earnings AMD call obviously did not help either. Tried some new methods but was too aggressive and breached my fuck off threshold. I’ll be taking a break and will return mid-to-late February.
Back to flat YTD. Keeping positions small and puts minimal. Much of the port still in cash waiting for a significant dip.
+1.0% YTD. Would’ve been higher except I gambled on several earnings plays and lost all of them. Not playing these anymore.
Corruption port up nicely at +8.38%, not including dividends and prior profit taken on options. Some of the other semis pushing up nicely. I’ll be posting here from now on since it appears no one cares about share plays! (+) D, ROK, ENTG; (-) UNH, RBC:
Moved 11.5k to another broker for BabyDegen’s 529 plan. Like my 457/pension, I’m keeping these passive. Set and forget. The rest is a retardation. Going to be focused on monthly profit taking and longer term swings since I lost so much on earnings plays and in preparing for a correction this year (that so far, has yet to materialize).
Jan (2,277.28)
Feb +973.57
Mar +3,056.25
Port performed poorly today. I’m not red on the year but getting close. I’m going to disable options trading for few months, stick to shares and play a small challenge account when I return. Positions mostly in index funds and correlated to the Corruption port:
- APO, CRDO, FROG, CCJ, GTLB (Small/mid caps)
What are your thoughts behind ALNY and PSIL?
Alnylam has rising revenues from its RNAi products and lots of long call options activity. Looking at Phase III Helios-B data and hypertension Ph2 studies. I like PSIL long because several US states are decriminalizing psychedlic mushrooms to anxiety/depression/PTSD treatment, a huge market in the US: Psychedelics Legalization & Decriminalization Tracker - Psychedelic Alpha. Basically I think its the next marijuana but could take years to pan out
+6.2% YTD across all accounts. I went all in during the correction and took a sizable profit on GME shares. So much of this year has been a law of reverse effort: the less I am hyperfocused on a position, the better it does. With the exception being my pharma picks- those have not performed.
Playing the 8/21 DMA crossover on the daily has helped a lot. However, I tend to overtrade in my challenge account and have not been consistent in my entries. Statistically looking for that optimal entry on the 21 DMA means trading maybe once every 3 weeks. Quite boring, so I’ve got longs in PFE (October call) and we’ll see how this ENPH call does. I reserve my right to sell naked puts. Challenge account at $1,284.