Fantasy Football League

Looking to see if we have enough interested in putting together a league. Could do like $25 buy in or whatever, I’d like at least 8 in it. Just gonna tag the people I know/think would be interested.

<@880837652264394803> <@443110000903192576> <@612827784406106134> <@484065428721893376> <@1009585256883556462> <@718915739284799499> <@853144184382029855>


don’t forget sucky

and possibly sparrow

Feel free to get whoever would be interested. Could only end up being 8, could be like 12 or 16. I have no idea.

<@833851414902997003> <@629126714546716672>

Oh guys I stay far away from fantasy football but Houston will probably get in on this

I hate long term fantasy but I’m in

I’m like hilariously bad at all things fantasy

I’ve never done this before so idk how any of it works


Okay now you are required to play <:btc64k:975239692347908136>

I would definitely be interested if there’s room

I have 0 knowledge of football

I’m down


If sucky is in, I’m in

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Fuck it, I’m in

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:face_with_spiral_eyes:put me in coach

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