Follow The Money - Banks towards recession

Starting this thread to bring focus to Banks and their tickers.
I’m specifically tracking American based institutions.
Those that are holding their prices above $25 have enough room to go lower.

My list was initially shared in this thread:


  • MA
  • V
  • JPM
  • COF
  • PYPL
  • C
  • WFC

Will supplement the charts on this main body as we go along.

Please feel free to contribute to this thread and others!
We are at our best when we butt heads and cum together.



I’d throw HSBC and ALLY in here. ALLY does a pretty healthy amount of auto lending. Which could see some default


Corporations like Mastercard and Visa are certainly good targets moving forward. American savings are approaching a low level, making it difficult for struggling everyday people to pay the credit card bill with inflation as it is, and credit default rates are on the rise.


Friday, Oct 14 will be a good indicator as JPN, MS, C, PNC, USB, FRC have pre-market earnings. I think C will take a hit due to scaledown of east European operations.

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I like this movement, only question is, what Opex to get for puts?